
Responses from usblues

ruined a phillips screw, any inspired solution?
Yup,A Dremel with a cutoff wheel is just about next to a small jackhammer on a stamped sheet metal case.This is fun,any chain saw stories I wonder?No Mothers of Invention in this crew apparently but the night is young and alcohol is cheap here in ... 
Minimum 8 ohms
Around 1986-7 at an audio store that sold some nice stuff Denon, Bang&Olufsen,Klipshorns,Nakamichi etc.I overheard a salesman call the PA5 and PA7 amps wimpy.I never had one and I dont know why he said that.I too always heard the designs from ... 
Would you pay to audition speakers
I think he just said that cause you have been wasting his time and it was his subtle way of giving you the arm.Many paths to salvation they say.YMMV,Bob 
Attn: Ayre v-5xe owners
Used a V5x for a few hours one day with Merlin VSM-MM's.Superb!Have been wanting one ever since.Cheers,Bob 
Best PreAmp match for a MC-7270?
Stay with C30 or newer,YMMV,good luck,Bob 
Mcintosh ML2c speakers
Got it Jaybo,4 very small screws in the corners.Didnt have my glasses on first time around.Thanks again,Bob 
Mcintosh ML2c speakers
Thank you sir.What about this one?:Just scored a pair of Sansui SP 2500 speakers,mint.The wooden grills havent been off since 1977 and the pictures on a website show Velcro in the 4 corners.Not sure how to get them off,when I tug a little bit they... 
How far, how much?
That is a common mis-perception of the upgrading audiophile and we all made it no doubt.A quantum leap now in speakers will do more than you know though the odds say you wont make that move.Pity you cant demo something special at home,Best of luck... 
Bel Canto Ref1000mkII stock issues?
That would be optimal Audio------.As you know were all human and insane to be here in this hobby so........ 
Looking to get into tubes?
IF its in your head and wont go away I feel it too.I was wanting a CJ MV 60,maybe MV55 for reliability,customer service and quality EL34 tubes are available everywhere.I was thinking around 1200$ or so.Wasnt going to spend only 6-700$ at this poin... 
Bel Canto Ref1000mkII stock issues?
You are correct.I am wrong and apoligize for my lameness.Hope this may even us up,Bob 
How far, how much?
Excellent info Para for who what Im not sure.Could you be a little more vague?Cool,Bob 
Looking to get into tubes?
forget about it,you dont need the aggravation at your age trust me Im 60 too.Theres great SS like Mac,Ayre... 
Is fiberglass safe?
The Owens-Corning 703 and 705 panels covered in a nice fabric are just fine,good luck,Bob 
How far, how much?
merlins would be perfect for that room.I had a Rega Luna for awhile and the combo was almost stunning.....