
Responses from usblues

Speakers in 10-15K price range for Classical music
Thinking it would do to audition if possible Merlins.They are made for classical as are most of the above also,good luck,Bob 
Best Used Speaker Under $4,000 w/ Respectable Lows
Merlin VSM-MM is a knockout,cannot go wrong,good luck,Bob 
CD for Shindo System?
Keep on truckin.... 
looking for circa $5k full range towers
Second the Merlins,can't miss,good luck,Bob 
TRL 595 Discussion Died Years Ago
I wonder about break-in time?What say you?Good luck,Bob 
Ripping to Mac OSX
All good replies.You also can try great site for this question and all others your bound to have,good luck,Bob 
Leviton Hospital Grade AC Outlet - Which One?
I had a Powervar a few years ago and it didnt do a thing.Now a toaster sits on it and I use it in the kitchen as 6 outlets are nice to have.YMMV,good luck,Bob 
Merlin vsm question
Coming up on 5 years with the VSM-MM's with a variety of amps.Unfortunately an OTL [atmasphere] isn't one of them.Agree with all the above posts regarding full-range and more.They are special though I haven't heard the vr3's for comparision[sp].Go... 
Mac Mini
Dont know.Mine is sitting in a rack made out of black walnut back in the 80's.Its dead quiet and works/sounds real good.Using it with a Bel Canto USB Dac and they are side by side.Haven't moved them in the 18 months I've had them.I hope your as sa... 
Are You a Sansui Lover?
1968,SP 200 speakers and a receiver 1000A?Pioneer TT,first stereo,just back from Nam,livin was easy.Thanks,Bob 
Smallest speakers that ROCK
KRK systems,good luck,Bob 
Trying out a tube preamp
ARC or Counterpoint would be up there in my world.Thats what I did for years with Bryston amps,good luck,Bob 
Mcintosh C28 VS C712 Modern Vs Classic
I have a C30,similar but not exactly the same as your C28.Dont do any modding,just maintenance[sp] would be my advice.That and .25$ will save your audio future perhaps,good luck,Bob 
Balanced vs. Unbalanced - What does it mean?
The techies can tell you what it is but cant tell you how it sounds.As usual synergy rules and that is to be found in the arena,not on paper or cyberspace,YMMV,cheers,Bob 
Amp models in 1996...
Give him a break.He's from across the sea,though I concur with your assesments,have a good weekend,Bob