
Responses from usblues

Is This Feasible?
Go for it.Your only young once.If that......cheers,Bob 
Need Marantz Tech
Check out Terry Dewickt in Tn or Kt,I forget.He has a website,good luck,Bob 
best hybrid integrated amp 100wpc or more
Disregard the Counterpoint.Sorry,Bob 
Hearing protection
cigarette filters work in a pinch or if your poor,YMMV 
best hybrid integrated amp 100wpc or more
mcintosh tuner 7082,3,4
I havent tried those you mentioned but I have had a MR77 and a TU9900 for about a year now and I cant really tell them apart much as I try.They are special,good luck,Bob 
Mark Levinson 23 with Klipschorn
It will work fine.What would work great would be to sell the 23 and buy a SET amp or any low-powered tube amp,like a Mac,CJ,ARC etc.The resale on the 23 will allow you to do that and come out even on money,but way ahead on sound.Good luck,Bob 
Speaker recommendation
I wonder what size room you have.That would help in the equation and those sweet watts. 
stereo reciever for sonus faber grand piano Home
It doesnt have a 12V trigger,but if you are in the Mpls/St Paul area,I have an older Sansui that is pretty good and you are welcome to audition it,good luck,Bob 
Threshold Amp and Sonic Frontiers Pre? HELP
The S200 is twice the amp of the 140 on all levels if its in good shape[caps].You can also contact Jon Soderberg for his thoughts.Good luck,Bob 
Extended power on for Pass Labs XA.5 amplifiers
Consider yourself flamed,YMMV,Bob 
Human nature Tvad,making the most of what you have and trying to turn envy into something positive perhaps.Definately agree the mega-systems are my first choice also.I didnt come here not to reach the top if money is available.That being said the ... 
the classic tube sound & the modern tube sound
Please disregard my last post,thanks,Bob 
the classic tube sound & the modern tube sound
I'm not so sure the elimination of shag carpeting should be in this equation.I know,its crazy,just playing the D.A. here,nice post,cheers,Bob 
Serious Addiction to Gear
It always starts with power cords,then pretty soon its cryoed cones,then its sand or tubes.Then the nightmare really begins to pick up watts and ohms and......