
Responses from usblues

Changing your tune
A decade is not even middle-aged yet for a final statement.Best to keep on keepin on........ or not,its all the same here as you never outgrow your need for therapy.Have a large weekend,cheers,Bob 
Rega Elicit Break-In
Only slightly related,sorry,but I had a Rega Luna years ago.I would use it as a backup to amps such as Counterpoint,Mcintosh, and even Ayre and Berning ZH-270.It was startling how close that little 40 watter was to those heavyweights!Good luck wit... 
Merlin VSM
I had my VSM-MM's in a 13x22 and it was great,just right.Now I am in a much bigger room and they dont fill it nearly as good,but to be expected for their size.I feel you will be in a good place size wise.I used a few amps and even a little Rega Lu... 
New USB and Toslink cables
I believe the molecules move in to a better alignment regarding direction and tightness similiar to cyroing,but not exactly the same.I could also be an audiophile and a believer in Voodoo.YMMV,good luck Racer.... 
Audioquest Argent? Midnight? Sterling?AudioTruth?
Not trying to hijack this,but had to ask.I bought some AQ Midnight cables in the late 80's.Are these the same?Dark blue,maybe 5/8" diameter?Thanks again,Bob 
Most Peaceful Music you've Heard or Own
Paul Horn in the Taj Mahal..........ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 
bel canto dac 3 cd 2 owners
I have a DAC3 but I am not familiar with this upgrade you mention.Good luck with your venture,Bob 
cable burn-in / system burn-in
You mean there you have it.......your system,your ears not to mention your mind.YMMV,Bob 
Need AM/FM Stereo Tuner Antennae Help
I would do what Newbee suggests,good luck,Bob 
Parasound P/FET 900II vs. Nakamichi CA-5
Second Treuben and his thoughts.Its a gem,go for it,Bob 
Pros posing as hobbyists?
Good post and a good answer though YMMV,Bob 
Berning ZH-270 Replacement
Just had it for 1 day in the stock form running with Merlin VSM-MM's in early 2005.The best amp to go with these.Slightly better than an Ayre V5,a little better than a modded Counterpoint NPS220 and alot better than some others.Not much info,but i... 
CJ MF2300A- What's a good price?
Recommend an amp with more curent than that one.As mentioned above the Threshold would be good if you can figure the history.It will need caps soon if not already done.The Aragon is a nice choice.The CJ is a fine amp but depending on the room size... 
You know you have "it" bad when...................
used to trade records for gas in Ca when I was broke in the 70's,fun ,fun, fun,my friend hooked up an 8-track on his Sportster on the handlebars he put a speaker.Lasted a week,long enough for eterenity in some circles.... 
Product/Genre-Specific "Reference" Threads
The best kind.Lose your mind and come to your senses,cheers,Bob