
Responses from usblues

Replace Sony SCD-1 with Cambridge for CD
The Cambridge is half a stack of the SCD-1 as Tvad suggests.Carry on,Bob 
Brown out
You only lost 3.348 years at 4 sec.Dont sweat the small shit,cheers,Bob 
One off my Audiopax 88s has gone up in smoke.
You should checkout Plitron.I think as Albert says make you one.They are doing Premium grade work.Go to their website,good luck,Bob 
Cary CAD-805C driving horn speakers?
Second Brf's take.Should be excellent together,cheers,Bob 
How old is NBS?
Stop it E,thats not nice,cheers,Bob 
PC vs MAC laptop as music server
2nd the mac mini,easy as pie,sounds fine,YMMV,Bob 
Fix My Preamp vs. Buy Phono Stage
I had a 1155 in 86-87.Used it with a 2200 amp for a year or so.Bought a Nakamichi CA5 and it was like blankets came off the speakers.Dont remember what I paid new,dont want to,good luck,Bob 
Advice on a nice integrated is needed
My input is confined to you have impeccable taste,dont change,cheers,Bob 
CDP DAC advice
Yep,as Tgrisham says the PS Audio has the 30 day.Best place to start along with another to compare for the 30 then sell one and move on.In a couple months you have 3 done and can tell others where its at ,good luck,Bob 
Paradisea owners
Synergy is the only sure bet.Like you say PS audio,maybe Wavelength for a grand also to try.Plus the resale is phenomenal[sp] on those 2 units,good luck,Bob 
Old is new again?
Is that Lafayette tubed?Regardless it sure is fun going back to certain pieces that are from the "Golden Age".Good luck,Bob 
i-tunes and Vista
Nice stuff.Can you switch to a mac mini or do you need to stay with Windows......? 
Please help me improve my system - next steps?
Good thoughts here.Chances are you like your friends better cause of the room not equipment.That being said do ,as some say and try out diff components.Its all about synergy and the room.Good luck,Bob 
conrad johnson LP 275's or 140's
You just related the most important fact of this hobbby Arthur.Bravo,Encore for the absolute yet elegant simplicity of it all.Synergy wins again,thanks,Bob 
First Tube Amp: Advice? Keep spare tubes on hand?
Make sure you dont buy off ebay.Go to Brent Jessie,Upscale,and 3-4 others here I cant remember.Do a search...