
Responses from usblues

AudioKinesis Auditorium Beta - First Impressions
Cool.I was hoping and fervently believing in your choices being rational as opposed to what goes on in the Middle East.Not much you can do with sand,rocks and 100 degree heat.On the other hand were supposed to keep a close eye on you Texans.......... 
Why are "low hours" a consideration?
Gotta be in the post realm of borderline moronic.Though I guess he could be from OC or Bakersfield.No offense to the cowboys or the field-workers.... 
Sell and refurbish?
Nice work for sure! 
AudioKinesis Auditorium Beta - First Impressions
I can understand some of what your saying but I sure dont get the Ayre,S 30 II swap.THats 12K for 2.5K the other way.This is sure a funny hobby,Good luck,Bob 
Will clock upgrade improve HDMI output
Touch'e Cruz 
Technics ST-9038
Its possible to outdo your tuner for 4-500$,but maybe not.Theres a kenwood 8300 here now.You can try that and sell it if no better,,,good luck,Bob 
Please disclose your commercial affiliation
My commercial affliation went south around 92,It was great while it lasted.Now I am a humble mission man wandering this oasis and taking notes for the next coming.Dont ask of what ,cheers,usblues. 
Best solid state amp under 1k
Threshold from the 80's.... 
Tube Sources for Exemplar 3910?
Also Brent Jessie. 
Comparison Bel Canto Pre 2 and Pre 3
I am still waiting for them to send me units for review.Will be in touch,thanks,Bob 
After some upgrades, where is the weak link
The weak link is in the mirror,Beware the Ides of March.... 
which bang for the buck DAC?
PS Audio Linc dac 111 now at 650 here would be a front-runner for several reasons.The second reason is resale,the first reason is sounds good.Keep the love and music coming.Its all we ever had,good luck,Bob 
John Boulton ...?
Or possibly rayguns ala reagon.....YMMV,cheers,Bob 
What Source?
Youve got to go to HD for source. Incomparable.Lots of ways also depending on $$$$$.Cheap to expensive.Maybe start as Tvad mentions....try and locate a friend who is setup already to try out and see,good luck,Bob 
Emotiva MPS-2 amp and ongoing saga . . .
Second Rleff's take.I may also be leaning toward a used 4Bsst,possibly a 4Bst to better suit your 2-channel tastes.YMMV,Bob