
Responses from usblues

mcintosh and b.a.t.
Its a good thing,,though BAT is as strong as Mac and the synergy is at least as good if not better together.Pick a speaker and then your amp for that synergy combo also.Good luck,Bob 
Best speakers for 15X14 ft room
Merlins are perfect for those dimensions,good luck,Bob 
My findings on Magico V2.....what now?
Wonder if the Solution stuff was run in?Good luck,Bob 
Smallest speakers that ROCK
Thanks to All
It was nothing,glad your enjoying,cheers,Bob 
What amp $1000 for Rockport Tech Mira Mon?
McCormack DNA1,.05 Deluxe,theres one for 1100$ now on the Gon,forget the model.You cant beat his stuff,YMMV,Bob The Bryston is a good choice also........... 
Speakers for live piano performance
Yes,somewhat famous too!Didnt want to hijack but wanted to respond lightly,what a crew!!Cheers,Bob I guess I could add I've used KRK System speakers to good effect,good luck. 
Speakers for live piano performance
Sorry for not reading your post through properly.Forget what I said.There are some good idea's being mentioned by those who know,good luck,Bob 
Speakers for live piano performance
Merlins would be great.I wish you could hear it right now.Playing Miles Davis"Kind of Blue".Not sure who the PP is but its like he's in the room,good luck,Bob 
Cardas Neutral Ref ICs time to change??
Traded mine in for Anti-cables,YMMV,Bob 
Cardas Clear USB cable... anyone tried it?
Have not tried that one.Have tried 3 others with no noticeable[sp] difference,YMMV,Bob 
First Annual " Whaddya Get? for Xmas "
Beatle's boxed set,13 CD's?Stanton Moore,a jazz guitarist and watching the 1978 Grateful Dead New Years show with the Blues Bros.Flashing back here to go forward I guess,cheers,Bob 
Leben integrated amps and Merlin VSM
I love these Merlin posts.I'm getting a little,not much tired of my Mcintosh stuff with them.They are timeless those speakers..........Berning and Leben,where's the justice?Where's the cash?Who killed Cock Robin........MC,Bob 
Recommendation for speaker wire upgrade
Anti-cables.I know it maybe hard to believe,but........I too have Mac stuff,good luck,Bob 
NAD classic power amps good, great or mediocre
I bought new in 86-7 a 2200 and the 1155 preamp.All I drove were Bose 901's for a couple years.Then I brought home a few different speakers like these big ADS and some Yamaha NS10M and something else.One day I brought home a Nakamichi CA5 preamp a...