
Responses from usblues

One off my Audiopax 88s has gone up in smoke.
I wish I could help.Best of luck,Bob 
Drill holes in rack shelf to keep amp cool?
What kind of amp?First things first.I hate generalyzing[sp] unnecessaryly,thanks,Bob 
How do I dampen my listening environment?
Yeah that Auralex is OK,lot cheaper than Sonex.If your handy,get some 704-5 Owens Corning and frame and cover it.......good luck,Bob 
Which 6922?
Check out Brent Jesse or Upscale or Andy's for some revelent[sp] info.Good luck,Bob 
Best Power Cord for Parasound Halo JC1's
Second the BPT per Toddsgear rec also.Good company.good luck,Bob 
Help in upgrading monitors.
Merlin,good luck,Bob 
Trying to decide between 3 amps Creek, Rega, Atoll
Have had Rega's before and highly recommend them.Not knowing the others.Good luck,Bob 
Vintage speakers 80s-90s.....
Missions are/were nice,good luck,Bob 
Top Luxman integrated - 509u or 590Aii?
Just to shed a little darkness your way,theres a Sansui G99x for sale here[no aff] that will come close to being the equal of these Luxman's you mention.And best of all its 500$.Good luck,Bob 
The Hub: Futterman H3: Seen one lately?
I think sometimes your mammoth posts might be an overload for some to get thru.Not sure.Just thinking/stormin here.I like em cause there so loaded with info Im into even though Im not a tech,mainly a audio dinosaur,57-8 or so.Have a large day Mr A 
The Hub: Futterman H3: Seen one lately?
"Life isnt short enough"Laurel& Hardy circa 1934 "Art will save us" artist unknown,possibly Art Dudley or Art Carney.....? 
What classic rock subjects interest you most?
havent seen it yet.sounds good.british invasion and san fransico/haight/dead scene big fav here,you bet 
display lights on NAD
yes,send an email asap.this discrepancy needs clarification.i can hardly sleep nites..... 
Wilson Audio speaker jacks
I have never seen them.Post pics if possible.Guessing they are common and not custom as jacks are USUALLY designed for many loads/jobs.Is it the price or usefulness you are concerned about? 
Raysonic 168 vs Ayre CX-7eMP
Lateral undergrade.Can you move your speakers around?Maybe buy some new music?Take everything apart and clean and re-connect?How much do you have to spend???Best of luck,Bob