

Responses from unreceivedogma

Advice on dedicated room
I’ll tell ya what works for me:My room is 19 x 29. The ceiling has a gable on one side and dormers on the other. The gable roof is 12 ft at the apex, 3 ft at either wall. The ceiling is covered with 17” of rock wool. The walls have 6”. NO SHEET RO... 
If there’s an audiophile exit ramp, this ain’t it…
I’m with you. I have an approach to audio that hasn’t changed in 53 years: efficient tube analog. The equipment improved with my income over the years. The system I have now - except for the room - has stayed essentially the same since 1985. The r... 
What process do you use to purchase cables?
I don’t have a process.  
why do so many discussions turn contentious?
@ Jjss49yes, it does get posted here periodically: I’ve posted it at least a few times myself, and in spite of the reminders the Triangle doesn’t seem to get heeded.  
Biggest "bang for the buck" audio gear you have owned(in your history)?
Rockwool. About $900. Made at least a 30% improvement to sound that I thought was already very good.  
why do so many discussions turn contentious?
Audio-goners:You might find Paul Graham’s Hierarchy of Disagreement to be of use. Paul is a tech nerd with a number of valuable patents to his name. He noticed that social media by its very nature tends towards conflict because it generates more t... 
Townshend Springs under Speakers
@ profI’d love to watch you at work. It sounds quite interesting. I have two friends who are cinematographers in the business, and two friends who are documentary filmmakers. Regards -https://www.theaudioatticvinylsundays.com 
Cartridges with that musical coherence - having heard it, I need to learn more
I hear Jelco closed its doors, explaining why the prices are tripling, when you can find them. I have a vintage Sumiko MMT.  
Audiophile Priorities and Recent Topics
@ sns: my bad if I implied that we need a “peer reviewed audio board” process. I meant to suggest the opposite: that subjectivity reigns in a field that claims to have higher standards of critical thinking than what reigns in the audio world, so w... 
Critical listening and altered states
@ hilde45Speaking for myself, I would never use any altered state that compromises my analytical faculties for evaluative purposes. For enjoyment? Of course, absolutely. Others on this thread have already covered the why quite well. The only thing... 
thought on eBay?
My worst audio purchase ever was on eBay. One of my best audio purchases ever was on eBay. The best: I got a Koetsu Rosewood Signature for about $1,000 from a seller in the UK. The ad was simple, short, clear with detailed photos. I had a few ques... 
Klipsch Forte ii too bright, or is it my room ?
Synergy is key, but I would start with the room.  
Cables that measure the same but (seem?) to sound different
“…for this many people to be…delusionaries…”In pharmaceutical clinical trials, the placebo effect is A Thing, people get better because they think they are not in the control group, and they number in the thousands. That’s why you have peer review... 
Audiophile Priorities and Recent Topics
The controversy around priorities and putting topics like cables and floating the cables on little feet etc in their proper context with corollary importance (or lack thereof) and to what degree complexity lends itself to obfuscation rather than u... 
Critical listening and altered states
If you remember* being at Woodstock, you weren’t really there. So the saying goes.Similarly, altered states are good for experiential activity, not for evaluative activity. * I remember trying to get there with friends, then the VW van broke down ...