
Responses from tsushima1

Nordost Power Cables - my latest experience
@agisthos “ High Fidelity Cables will beat any Nordost cable, especially on interconnects and digital cables, which is what I use them for.I am on record saying be wary of HFC for speaker cables due to potential mismatch issues. But when they work... 
Breaking news ... oldhvymec is to feature in the latest DC comics movie as ‘ Audio Man ‘ he has the ability to hear through time ... he can even identify that Queen Elizabeth the 1st wore wooden dentures 
My Experience With Tekton
“ I realize you measurement folks don’t care about the sound, but what about “measurements”? Your next reply: if there is any measured difference, it’s small, and beyond auditory level of any human. Why even bother “Weak ... Predictably  weak ! 
“The only one on the site I know of at this point who could do that would be Millercarbon. My understanding is that he has a QSA Violet fuse on order.” The guy is hoping for an *Unbiased* review Frank ! 
My Experience With Tekton
@ghasley “Im pretty sure those who detest Tekton the most do so because of the personalities behind the company or its ardent fans. Hey, there is absolutely zero chance I would own Tekton due to the owners quick fuse, commentary over the years,”In... 
SET the best?
Not really NO!”But for the record, although over the years it seems as if a lower powered OTL is somehow the holy grail for many” 
Speaker impedance patterns - how to read them?
“One time recently we had some really inefficient little speakers in here, 87dB I think they were. My 20wpc Raven Blackhawk not only had no problem driving them to a nice loud level, it made them sound a helluva lot better than a 100wpc ss amp tha... 
Carpet Killed High Frequencies In My Music Listening Area
70’s Adult Movie House decor !!! https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367 
Thoughts on moving from a 1200G to Sota Saphire or above
@lewm Thank you for considerations ...and thoughtful post based upon your hands on experience :0}I was fond of my own Kenwood L07D and regret letting it go at times. 
Thoughts on moving from a 1200G to Sota Saphire or above
@lewm “Not a big fan of SP10 mk2”Might you elaborate a little ? 
You own a store, you sell 2 brands, which?
Coke n Hookers ;0) 
Quantum Science Audio Thread
Good post Frank... 
Poor Customer Service
^^^^^^^^^^^ That smacks of pure Vindictiveness ^^^^^^^^^^^ 
Poor Customer Service
@three_easy_payments”You may recall the guy in another country whose speakers were dropped off at a station and he was supposed to drive hours away to pick them up. A forum member instructed him to "Use American ingenuity". "Do you want them or no... 
Poor Customer Service
@three_easy_payments..  Quite Indeed