
Responses from tsushima1

Budget High Current Power Cords
@stringreen “make your own.....Furutech plugs ....Neotech cable.”^^^^^^^ This ^^^^^^Altho there are several alternative brands of high quality cables off the reel with which one can experiment .. Furutech own , Oyaide , Furukawa etc etc  
@georgehifi “ By-passing powersupply or voltage rail caps is a good idea, but it’s not a good idea to bypass caps that are in the signal path as they will have different time constants, and smear at frequencies where they are both doing work.Alway... 
Audio Research VSi75 - End of Tube Life? KT120 vs KT150?
@rossb Thats grand , these are also proving popular amongst the ARC crowdhttps://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/313453792172?hash=item48fb4d4bac:g:fO0AAOSw-QthRxh5 
Audio Research VSi75 - End of Tube Life? KT120 vs KT150?
A tad spendy , however I would recommend sourcing a matched ( if possible  ) quad of pre 1980’s  production Reflector Corps 6h30-DR ‘s they will take your VSi75 up a notch and should blend in very well with KT150’s Beware ... there are many unscru... 
Your rather weak attempt at deflection has absolutely no connection to the question that I posed , I am asking to see Empirical evidenc to back up the statements made above that are entirely measurable and not subjective ... have another go 
“ Ordinary fuses are designed only to fail, no effort whatsoever goes into trying to get the most linear response possible at all points up to failure. Reasonable then to expect ordinary fuses to get hot a lot, and change resistance a lot, even we... 
“but who are you to tell me what I can or can't hear through my system?”Awwwwwww Bless ... 
Keep it up MC ... you are doing our job for us... https://youtu.be/uN4Di8DEPf8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uN4Di8DEPf8 
Patronisingly Condescending Pavlovian response from mr pompous Yawn........  
@noromance “I have a quad of the coveted RCA black plates from the 60s. Cost me a bunch. New Tung Sol 7581A walk all over them for 1/3 of the price.”Most interesting ... and would tend to run counter to modern production Vs Vintage I shall take a ... 
HiFi vs MidFi
millercarbon being a hands on subject expert in the field of Mid-Fi . 
$2000 Tektons, which one for my use?
LA Confidential ... Brett Chase:“Excuse me, ma'am. Just the facts.” 
$2000 Tektons, which one for my use?
Awwwww Bless ... Discuss the facts as provided Tekton Fan Boyz . 
$2000 Tektons, which one for my use?
And were one to examine the Sold/Expired tab and follow up the first few listings we find a strong pattern of *expired* rather than *sold* ergo one might construe that sellers appear to have given up on trying to shift them . ( 955 )https://www.hi... 
$2000 Tektons, which one for my use?
@boxer12 You appear to have difficulty with counting ... ( 18 )https://www.hifishark.com/search?q=tekton