
Responses from tsushima1

Does Time alignment and Phase coherency make for a better loudspeaker?
Awwwww Bless oldhvyILIKETOSHOUTmec…. Thing is Cobba you are still not sure are you , even now !!! , why else has it taken so long to charge to the rescue?  
What, in your opinion, should the rules be for YouTube Reviews?
And there we have it Dear Readers … obviously piqued by an earlier observation that the Rize of GlovePuppet ‘cindy’ has seem a commensurate decline in outpourings from Chucky we observe a slight flurry of material from MC himself unfortunately, n... 
Accuphase E650 XLR Input issues
@jjss49  I wasn’t aware of this , I was considering a hair shirt system on behalf a friend and have been looking at Accuphase integrated models as a possible contender, I shall bear in mind.    
The Big Misconception About Electricity
Guys …. As per my post above *** Simply Ignore ***  
Next best exponential DAC quality level?
Guys … As per my post above *** Simply Ignore ***  
Next best exponential DAC quality level?
Guys …. Guys …. You are wasting your time and energy engaging with this persona , I suspect this is merely another example of a certain members sock puppetry. Same egotistical methodology, same use of three paragraphs , same abrasive manner ( ... 
The Big Misconception About Electricity
Guys …. Guys …. You are wasting your time and energy engaging with this persona , I suspect this is merely another example of a certain members sock puppetry. Same egotistical methodology, same use of three paragraphs , same abrasive manner ( al... 
TANNOY will stop Hi-FI ?
@vinylvalet  A good call.  
Hearing loss
Moabs … “ Had a guy here couple weeks ago when I butchered some music, as the highest frequencies faded out for me he was covering his ears saying stop the pain! “      
Your Favorite Christmas Song-One only Please-
The One And Only …    
Nobsound springs - load range
In a thread *** Specifically *** to discuss  Nobsound Audio products the usual suspect starts **** Pedalling **** a competitors product 🙄  
The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses
@ted_denney  ”I will give them no such publicity.” But *You* are effecting exactly such by posting about it … leave it alone …really   🙄        
Zu vs. Tekton? -- your comparisons on price, build, sound
Whilst I am not exactly a lover of the Zu house sound they are far superior to Tekton in build quality , and component quality of drivers and crossovers minimal as they are. If I were looking for a Boom Box to stick on the back of a trailer and ta... 
Adding a “safe haven” forum for discussion of tweaks?
  @jerryg123  @tsushima1 you will never get your safe space and there will always be challenges to voodoo sciences.  Ehhhhh … WTF are you going on about !      
Adding a “safe haven” forum for discussion of tweaks?
Awwwwwww Bless ... OldhvyILIKETOSHOUTmec 🤣