
Responses from tsushima1

Poor Customer Service
“When you complain about something without telling us who and what and why all it amounts to is a "waaaaa!" Everyone knows how bad customer service feels. We have all been there. This is going nowhere. Tell us who, and give us the details.”All exc... 
why do so many discussions turn contentious?
@mitch2 And quite noticeable that things have cooled off around here of late since one particular individual with the very personality traits you mention seems to have gone back under its bridge for a while...curious dat ! 
My Experience With Tekton
@three_easy_paymentsUnderstood...Tho entirely believable   
My Experience With Tekton
*Sheer Genius* All other speaker designers over the last 80  years entirely didn’t know what they were doing...” Tekton’s video taking the approach that 4 ohm speakers are simply better than 8 ohm designs because they produce a louder sound “ 
why do so many discussions turn contentious?
And As IF By Magic and by way of deflecting attention away ... LoL! 
Best and Worst customer service?
@secretguy Now I wonder which company you highlighted your poor experience with... Just repost m8ty...   
Martin Logan 11a vs 13a
Another vote for the 13A’s if you can swing it. 
Townshend Springs under Speakers
“ But in the audiophile Zealot world, the only subjective experience that counts is someone who claims positive results. Negative results never count against a claim , are to be ganged up upon and belittled “ 
A phenomenal new CD transport-Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 transport
Its refreshing to read of a component that performs with such apparent fidelity that doesn’t necessitate the sale of a kidney!  
The "Snake Oil" Trope
@millercarbon...” Where I have to say "not fine" though is when you pull your hypocritical "attitude" attack! “Oh The Irony... 
Cables that measure the same but (seem?) to sound different
“YouTubers” Haaaahaaaaa  
My Experience With Tekton
The Pathetic machinations of ‘Small Man Syndrome’ Arf Arf... 
Townshend Springs under Speakers
Quite worth repeating Mr carpathian’s astute observation...“Then quit the forum. No one knows anything but you, anyway.Start your own with your own rules where you can control every aspect of the narrative. Take your fanboys with you to have an in... 
Townshend Springs under Speakers
“ Millercarbon, this speaker ringing thing has me perplexed and word has it that you appear to be or are about to become a dealer or their new US representative for the English spring-based company,.“And there we have it Dear Readers ... Howdyall ... 
If Power Cords Don't Matter...
7:17am“Man people yawn a lot on this site. Think it's because they missed their nap time?”Yaaaaaaaawwwwwnnnnn...