
Responses from tsushima1

The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses
@willgolf  " Based on my experience, I would find it hard to believe, that if you only placed an upgraded fuse in only one component, you would hear a difference.  Now I am also of the opinion that upgraded fuses will help lower-end systems more ... 
Isoacoustics Orea vs Townshend Seismic Pod on Components
And there we have it Dear Readers .... MC looses not a second to accuse any and all respondents who do not agree with his mantra whilst ***Pushing*** Townshend products in crying Foul , Snake Oil hater , Incapable of thinking or Understanding for ... 
Adding a “safe haven” forum for discussion of tweaks?
“Science describes the way things happen in terms of theory ……    Blah Blah Blah …… Wikipedia …… Blah Blah Blah ……… Cut n Paste … Blah Blah Blah ……. More Wikipedia …… Blah Blah Blah ....... Even More Wikipedia Blah Blah Blah…….. Even More Cut n ... 
Adding an ignore list feature to audiogon
Who would have thought that Millennial evolution would morph Lions into mere Shrews 🤔  
Adding an ignore list feature to audiogon
Once more for the hard of understanding ...If you do not like the way the forum is moderated , or set up, the solution for you is an eminently simple one... SOD OFF ELSEWHERE 🙄  
What happened?
" I hate and abhor arrogant blather like deadhead here" " But he really should apologize and promise to keep his big fat mouth shut on things he so obviously knows nothing about."        
If you were looking for a direct drive turntable ...
LP12 ... LP12 .... 🤣  
If you were looking for a direct drive turntable ...
@mijostyn  The L-07D was not designed for / with commercial radio station deployment as part of its engineering brief .  
Nobsound springs - load range
Spam ... Spam ... Spammmmmmm  
If you were looking for a direct drive turntable ...
For my part the most accomplished DD that I ran was this tank of a turntable http://www.thevintageknob.org/kenwood-L-07D.html  
How to Improve Gain for RCA on Preamp. Can it be done?
Arfffff ... Another plagiarising millercarbon cut n paste post goes wrong   
Tube Line Stage around $5k
A little over budget .... but superb at the price       https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/265224155025    
Adding a “safe haven” forum for discussion of tweaks?
A snapshot of what this forum will become if certain thin skinned narcissists get their way  
Adding a “safe haven” forum for discussion of tweaks?
[url=https://ibb.co/pzdc5x2][img]https://i.ibb.co/Lt1mH8S/C66-AF196-BBBC-4-E47-85-E7-7-C896-ED2-F824.jpg[/img][/url]     What this forum will become if certain thin skinned narcissistic  individuals were to get their way  
Gamut Lobster Chair
How many more times do you Amatures need to be told, Get your Eames , Lobster ,Inflatable , 3rd grade school chair , potty ,  up on them there Townsend Pods , everything will sound betterer and it will firm up your bottom end .