
Responses from tsushima1

AGON screening to filter out crap new posts has regressed back to the pits..
Yes You Do ... His post had NO relevance to the OP’s thread .. in his unseemly scramble to keep the pressure up on the moderators  to turn this place into Media North Korea he didn’t even bother to read ( or is incapable of comprehending ) this th... 
Adding a “safe haven” forum for discussion of tweaks?
@mahlman    Well said Sir   
AGON screening to filter out crap new posts has regressed back to the pits..
@grannyring  NO ... MC made it open season on himself by posting exactly the type of content you are railing against (see post No4) which if you bother to digest exactly what content ( Bot Porn Links ) the OP was really posting about ,  in itself... 
AGON screening to filter out crap new posts has regressed back to the pits..
@clearthinker  Yup , The Irony Meter went close to a reactor breach on that one ... the following speaks volumes    millercarbon Member since Nov 19, 2018 Country n/a Marketplace feedback → Discussion... 
AGON screening to filter out crap new posts has regressed back to the pits..
The quite pathetic thing about @millercarbon agenda driven post is that the OP is refering to the bot posts linking to porn sites that have made it past the forum filters in the last week or so ...  
AGON screening to filter out crap new posts has regressed back to the pits..
Oh My ... The Irony Meter just went off the scale into the Red Zone    "I have recommended this MANY TIMES! The single biggest problem is people posting for the immediate gratification of seeing their blather in print"  
Adding a “safe haven” forum for discussion of tweaks?
@toolbox149  Dear God 🙄 You seem to be struggling to comprehend the concept that an OP does not own a thread merely because they started it, On this forum once it is posted it becomes open to all members to comment upon within the rules already ... 
Adding a “safe haven” forum for discussion of tweaks?
@thecarpathian  " If you don't care for their rules, you have the freedom of choice to not join. " Exactly So !    
Adding a “safe haven” forum for discussion of tweaks?
@toolbox149  Really? Get A Grip 🤨  
Thank you Veterans!
Well Said...  
Ridiculous assertions that someone is being ripped off or conned
The Whiff of Butt Hurt and lack of moral fibre In not Whining Or running , cliperty clop cliperty clop , to the moderators makes me want to void my stomach ... If you are going to gush over how a rock plonked on your kit , a blob of 'Something bl... 
Ridiculous assertions that someone is being ripped off or conned
Dear God ... What a bunch of Whiny Little Snowflakes ... Quite pathetic ... really   
I did the right thing after all.
A matter of mere moments on Google brings one to this second hand website with links to other sources https://www.hifishark.com/search?q=tekton2 Pairs of Tekton Moabs for sale , 5 Pairs of Double Impact and several other assorted Tekton *speakers*... 
Have you moved away from full range to standmount speakers + subs?
Yup, Its QSA or ACHME for me from now on Teddy Boy ….  Oh hang on a mo, what am I saying !!! 
Have you moved away from full range to standmount speakers + subs?
“For you, a self-professed audio retailer, to both cast shade on a legitimate end user, and a legitimate manufacturer while you shill the brands you sell, is not only transparently self-serving, but also highly actionable given the fact you are in...