
Responses from tsushima1

Streaming music sounds better late at night. Is this just me?
Let’s not ignore another more humanistic factor that may come into play here, in that one may feel more relaxed and receptive in ones self at such a time of day, for my part I find a nice glass of 20 yr old single malt contributes enormously .  
Audio Research and Acme Audio Labs fuse
  “So QSA makes a dual-element, time-delay version?” A very good point @twoleftears   
speaker upgrade
FYNE FP500 SP RRP £1494 , fabulous little things https://www.fyneaudio.com/product/f500sp/    
flabbergasted with reviews on speakers
“ Speaker sensitivity is real. My Moabs are so sensitive if someone even hints they aren't the best speaker ever I go into a deep inconsolable sulk for the rest of the day. “ FTFY  
Isoacoustics Orea vs Townshend Seismic Pod on Components
 I am referring to the RRP value relative to the materials and construction .  You seem to be struggling with the basic concept that an accurate image intrinsically cannot represent a bias.   
Isoacoustics Orea vs Townshend Seismic Pod on Components
Well .. I am somewhat disappointed in you , What further context than an image showing the internal construction of a product leaving members to make their own minds up as to the value is required ? As to how an accurate and true image can be inf... 
Isoacoustics Orea vs Townshend Seismic Pod on Components
@whipsaw Were you to apply that criteria to posting regulations on this forum it would be a 10th of the size … Are you saying that any images of say an amplifier , a DAC etc etc showing the internal build quality should be made verboten as irrel... 
Isoacoustics Orea vs Townshend Seismic Pod on Components
Coming from YOU … Oh MY… The Irony Is Breathtakingly EPIC … ” Like we need you to tell us we can make up our own minds. Where do you get this sense of self-appointed superior being from anyway? “   
Isoacoustics Orea vs Townshend Seismic Pod on Components
@whipsaw  The only and singular question that I posed for members by posting the images being to make their own mind up about the relative value of theproduct in question. I don’t consider it necessary to list a X Vs X Vs X list of other products  
Isoacoustics Orea vs Townshend Seismic Pod on Components
@whipsaw Quite the contrary ! , My point being that I consider the Pods to be expensive for what are,  most likely $30 worth of parts to the manufacturer at cost. The images that are so desperately reported accurately show the internal constru... 
Isoacoustics Orea vs Townshend Seismic Pod on Components
Keep reporting away miller , you obviously want to suppress the truth ? These images are not mine or of anything I have personally purchased. Oh , lest we forget… YOU are the one who was suspended from this forum and are on probation here NOT me  
Best cost no object tube phono
Raven Nighthawk Mk 3.1 vs Cronus Magnum III
@sj00884  I read that as @ronrags  prefers the Rogue even with stock factory supplied tubes  
Audio Research or Luxman?
@audiojerry  You might find this guide to identifying pre 1990 6h30-DR’s useful, they are expensive but you only need a pair  http://www.aca.gr/index/hiend/hiendArticles?row=1988  
Room Treaments - Where To Begin...