
Responses from tobias

Need pre for tube based amps
The Klyne SK-5A solid-state preamp I use sells below your range, but even at $1500 it's still hard to beat. It's relatively rare and therefore neglected. Stan Klyne still repairs them although some parts may be unavailable. The phono section is re... 
Purist Audio & Stereophile
I believe it is a risk for companies to submit products for review. It is a challenge to get your product into the magazine, and then the review may not be as good as you had hoped. My Meadowlark Shearwater Hot Rods are a case in point. These spea... 
Purist Audio & Stereophile
I was very sorry to read that some companies have been threatened with negative posts by members here and elsewhere. This is simply extortion, and I hope the companies consider forwarding such mail to the moderators for action. 
Transport VS CD Player
There must be a lot in the archives on this.The short answer to the one box or two question is that it depends, just like it depends for amplification components. There are advantages to having everything in one box--no duplication of power supply... 
Question re Celtic/Irish/Chieftains music
Eddaytona, that disc is by the band Solas, it is a 1996 issue on Shanachie, number 78002. You are dead right, it is terrific. I second the Chieftains' "Tears of Stone" ; although IMHO it has low points, the high points more than make up for them. ... 
What item sold you cannot live without??
Sugarbrie, I did the same thing you did--sold my stock and it kept going up, and up. Oh how I suffer.Audiowise ( ooh--potential trade name ? ) I wish I'd kept my Wireworld Gold Starlight. Haven't heard a digital cable to beat it yet, esp. at the p... 
Musical Used DAC for $500?
Apogee DA-1000E-20. Needs its external PS1000 supply or any 12V substitute ( try battery ). Has balanced outs. Recent sale on eBay for $431.99. Complicated user manual. 
IPOD and an audiophile soundcard
I've had the PreSonus Firestation outboard DAC recommended to me. It connects to your PC via Firewire and includes an AD converter ( and mike preamps ). Looks good and I'm looking forward to trying one. 
WAF, Help, Need Strategy
Thanks for letting us know how it turned out, Slaps. I had a great time with this thread. Way cool. 
WAF, Help, Need Strategy
Slappy, thanks for this post. It gives me a chance to think how I would feel if I were in your place.Right now, honest, I would be willing to say, "Dear, do the living room the way you want. I'll set up a system somewhere else." I would mean it to... 
Gruve Glide
I'm surprised to read so many people use Gruv Glide. I thought the point was to get stuff _off_ the record before you played it, not add more. I'm interested and willing to learn here. Does Gruv Glide make a big difference over and beyond vacuum c... 
Sim Audio Moon Eqinox CD Player- Problem
Off the top of my head--power up while holding the eject button. Use the control on the player, not the remote. But that's just a guess. If you contact SimAudio by phone or email, they'll help. I've found them very customer service-oriented in the... 
CDP with 2 sets of outputs?
Aha, I wondered if this idea, while having a good deal of merit, was not also an attempt to use old-fashioned ingenuity to squeeze a pound out of a penny's worth ( to coin a phrase ). Very interesting to have the benefit of your experience and fra... 
CDP with 2 sets of outputs?
It sounds good in principle--output from the CDP directly into 2 amps in a biamped setup. No preamp. I'd like to know about such a system, if it worked. Some equipment is certainly better adapted to such a configuration. The Shanling T100 has 2 ou... 
CDP with 2 sets of outputs?
The Shanling CD-T100 CD player has 2 sets of outs that can be used simultaneously. One is tubed and the other solid state.