
Responses from tmsorosk

Do glass shelves affect sound Quality?
Let us no how it works out Ron. 
Best Krell amp for a 15amp wall outlet.
I'll bet so to Foster-9, but the overall sound may or may not be worth the weakening of drive and power that may occur. I can't recall ever blowing a house breaker with my hi-fi. 
Do glass shelves affect sound Quality?
Agree with Onhwy61. I've always avoided glass but how much it deteriorates the sound would be hard to judge. 
size of the driver
My drivers only five feet, I don't no how he sees over the steering wheel. 
Is the Mark Levinson 390S still a reference player
Audiofreak,,,LOL at your last post, couldn't disagree more. Remember it's all personal perception. 
Shunyata ztron power vs cx cables...
Well said Vhiner. Thanks for confirming what I felt. I love my CX Anaconda power cords to much to try the Zitron, but I did try and then order a digital XLR Zitron for the transport to DAC connection, it just seem to convey more detail. 
Is the Mark Levinson 390S still a reference player
The M.L. 390S was a great player, I owned a 390 then upgraded to a 390S, I've seen them for sale at very reasonable prices, don't think you could do better. They can have a slightly dark sound if not connected to the right associated gear. It's no... 
Bass amp for a tri-amped system?
If you require an amp that will grab your bass bins by the stones, look no further than Plinius. 
the best ''Best of'' Thread
How about your best audiophile plunder? 
Audiogon sellers, please stop and read this thread
That's an old scam. 
tube dacs vs solid state dacs
A while back I purchased an Audio Research DAC8 strictly on the premise that it sounded better than any other I'd heard, design concerns aside. Before I purchased it I had a long conversation with a fellow at A.R.C. I asked him why they stopped us... 
Ayre DAC vs Auralic vs Metrum vs Bel Canto
You wouldn't be disappointed with the Ayre. 
Would Revel Salon2s fit in my 15x18x9 room?
I used my first pair of Salon One's in a room about the size of your's with excellent results. They do have a room boundary compensation control. I guess I don't need to mention keeping them away from walls. You won't be disappointed with either t... 
Revel Ultima 3?
I wouldn't wait for the Ultima 3 even if it was on the way. I still prefer the first series to the second. And I have owned both. 
Fuses that matter.
I replaced the Gold Hi Fi tuning fuses with the Supreme tuning fuses in four components with excellent results. The gold made nearly no difference but the supreme was clearly a step up.