
Responses from tireguy

Kharma Reference Monitors
I can strongly recommend the audio aero Capitole mkII player with your system and perhaps some Jena Labs cables, and if you decide to sell a kidney the highly coveted Tenor 75wI amps would make you happy for nearly an eternity perhaps longer.... 
Audiogon Annual Convention
Gunbei- Look I don't know what your trying to accomplish but I am not going to have tons of audiophiles hanging around my booth next year- NOT HAPPENING ;) 
Audiogon Annual Convention
A bunch of us had tried to plan a meeting in New Orleans this year and it just never happened, we all have busy lives and do different things. Trying to organize this many complicated systems to blend into one is nearly impossible for a small grou... 
Tube Amp for Avalon Eidolon Speakers
CAT JL2 would work splendid as well 
Maggie 3.6 vs. Talon Khorus?
I am VERY fluent with both speakers, I own the 3.6 and a one of my best friends(who lives locally, well close enough;) owns the Talon Khorus X MkII- I have said it before and one more time for the record I wouldn't trade even any day! I enjoy visi... 
Cowboy Junkies
I know I am going to get thrashed for this one, how ever, I feel I must finally share. I don't like the Cowboy Junkies, I was so looking forward to something new that sounds good and I got Trinity Sessions- listened to it once and thought I missed... 
Crazy positioning ? See sketch tks
This should make it easier It really seems like a good idea, not sure how it would work exactly- but interesting! 
Experience with PS Audio Classic 250 amp?
You should contact a member who goes by the moniker Saxman(or something similar) here at audiogon he has had it and could offer his experience, I know he sometimes doesn't visit the forums daily tenormadness@cfu.net 
Beth Orton's "Trailor Park" ain't too bad
I concur, I have a few of her cd's they are pretty good, she has certain sense of desperation in her voice that is enchanting from time to time. 
Poll: Which rack s would you use and why?
I agree with Mr. Lavigne once again :) I do like his idea of wall mounting the tt and then getting what ever rack you want for your other gear- Sistrum, grand prix, rix rax or zoethecus. As you may or may not know my friend Don got his Rix Rax Hoo... 
Amp, Pre Amp or CD for SF CREMONAS
Get yourself an audio aero Capitole MkII, and sell your preamp and Wadia cd player- I have recommended more then a few members doing this and they all email me after they get it and thank me they never new how good there system could sound. As far... 
AA Capitole users: how many run balanced xlr ?
I use XLR balanced interconnects from my cap. II direct to the amp, with NO problems, in fact it sounds very good. I also use an anaconda VX on my cap II- amazing how many use the same set up! 
how much tube power for eclipse ?
Sean- Opinionated, me??? :) perhaps. I was a little over the top earlier, how ever I do think the sunfire may work better then the aforementioned Rotel. The problem with lower wattage tube amps is you will lose sound stage, imaging, and low end ex... 
how much tube power for eclipse ?
I used to own the avalon eclipse and with your budget I suggest you sell the speakers and add your grand to that, split the total and and buy speakers and an amp- the avalons only sound good with first rate electronics in front of them. I have a f... 
Purchasing used lps on Audiogon
Try here Though it may not be a perfect science with LP's