
Responses from tireguy

Replacement Driver Burn-in Time???
It really depends on the driver and how it is used, I would anticipate at least 200 hours before it really sounds "normal". With some drivers its not uncommon for it to take 400+ hours for break in, but typically the first 200 is the real rollerco... 
"Best" cable elevators?
I am a big fan of elevated cables, it creates instantly a quieter noise floor and a slightly blacker background. Though I have found out that with the more expensive cables it is less noticeable- but still there. I have used a number of different ... 
Mye Stands/Maggie 3.6's
I am looking into stands for my 3.6's I want something more substantial then anything that is made, so..... I am having one of my very handy metal working friends make a full frame/stand with a full length strut and removeable wing(s), I am also t... 
Found an interesting way to compare IC cables...
Sounds like a valid test to compare interconnects on a system with headphones, but there is synergy that works between, IC, amps, speaker cables and speakers. So yes I think what you did is exactly how you test IC when using headphones but when us... 
Verity Parsifal Encore opinions
Ernie- Sounds like a great offer, if I have time and heading in that direction I will be getting in touch with you :) I am in the Albany, NY area- I was in Montreal just for the audio show for the weekend. If you have not heard Kharma speakers the... 
Decision Time: Zu Wax or Z Passion spkr. cables
I sold my wax and haven't looked back- they were ok but I think you can find better for the money- for just a little bit more the audience au24 seems to be a great buy, but then again they are more used then the WAX is new. It may be worth it thou... 
Verity Parsifal Encore opinions
Ernie- I just can't get over how different our experience with these speakers is. When two audiophile friends and I returned from the show in Montreal last weekend we came to one of my friends homes and listened to his parsifal encores, his are ab... 
Manley 500 Neo Classic Monoblocks
I thought it was the Neo Classic 250, I could be mistaken. It is hard to make advice what is the best with out knowing what other gear you have and what music you prefer listening to. I would say with out a doubt in my mind the Tenor 300hp is the ... 
Kharma CRM 3.2F vs. Avalon Eidolon and Diamond
Bryans- Great response. In this price range if you don't listen to both speakers you are a fool- plain and simple. Theories and assumptions mean nothing if you haven't listened yourself. I do find it interesting that those who posted who have hear... 
Which amp in this system?
Well first of all, were you the one responsible for creating this "problem" with your ex, or was she that way already???Onto the problem at hand, if you are happy with your Rotel transport, would you consider one of there amps? I had a 990BX many ... 
Speaker cables for Maggie 3.5s
I agree with Eagle, fuse and tweeter attenuator bypass is a HUGE improvement- albeit with a risk. I am planning a no holds bars cross over in the next few months, from everything I am told the cross overs are the true weak link with these speakers... 
Avalon Opus v Opus Ceramique
I don't think there are a lot of opus users, they haven't seem to taken off like Eidolon's have. Then they add another model it just gets hard(not to mention expensive) to keep up to date. 
What causes imaging or the lack of it
I would put money your rooms are the factor. From my experience(in particular with dipole speakers) the room is just about as important as speaker location. He could have a dirtier power supply which also has a BIG effect on imaging- which can't h... 
Classical, Jazz, or Rock?
Classical- 30%Jazz- 15%Rock- 15%other- 40%(mostly folk, but a little techno in there) 
MarkLevinson331 BiAmp or Jeff Rowland 7 for MG3,6R
I do agree with Travis saying that the fuse bypass isn't for everyone but if you want the most out of your speakers you gotta do it. Life ain't perfect and something could happen to the ribbon, but after 6 months+ of no fuse problems at all- I did...