
Responses from tireguy

Best drink while listening to your rig?
Armagnac(visit tireguys rig in the virtual systems- or just click the "System" after my moniker to view the armagnac, which is listed as a tweek w/picture) other then the Armagnac I enjoy small batch bourbon neat and calvidos. I am known, from tim... 
Room correction EQs with omnidirectional speakers?
Where is Rives?? he is the man and makes a product similar called the PARC which seems to yield great results, but omnidirectional speakers are always a challenge- though often worth the fruits of your labor in the end. 
Acurus ACT3 vs. Others
I will mimic the above two statements, I had an ACT 3 when I was attempting home theatre and after the confusion(on my behalf) ended, the ACT 3 was the only piece that didn't leave me upset and further confused. I have not compared it to a lot, bu... 
Placette vs. Creek remote volume controllers?
I am looking into getting a Placette myself and after a phone conversation with Guy(from Placette) it seems obvious the Placette is the unit to get, the Vishay components used inside are the BEST. Even though it may seem expensive for merely a vol... 
Am I underpowering my Magnepan 3.6's?
There have been a few very good threads about amps that work well on maggies try a search you will find a lot of great information. I suspect more power would cure your problem, the louder I play my maggies the better they sound right to the point... 
Better Amps For Talon Khorus CAT JL2 or Tenor 75?
Verybigamp- This is hardly the first thread I have read which you posted asinine comments- I happen to be VERY familiar with what the Tenors are capable of and Mikelavigne is describing there sonic signature(yes they do have one) very well. Your l... 
Better Amps For Talon Khorus CAT JL2 or Tenor 75?
Mike- At CES this year I thought they were using the joule electra right of passage amps on the khorus X mkII, right? I don't think there are many speakers that could ask for a better amp then that(I like the joule amps nearly as much as I like th... 
Pictures of the RIx Rax Grand Hoodoo
I will be able to supply pictures in a week or two, when my buddies shows up, if you are still looking I will get pictures to you. 
If your CD's are harsh, try this
I agree with the above two posters completely, and the individule who started this thread is mistaken, perhaps you are loosing some information but your not getting better sound. I would suspect some of Cdc's equipment/room have a lot to do with w... 
What do in store listening tests prove?
Well if you dislike the sound it will eliminate it from your list, if the dealer can not make the gear they sell sound good in their show room then it is safe to say that it either sounds poor or they are morons, either way you shouldn't buy what ... 
This Sistrum stuff works
I have listened to a system that used a Sistrum SP-5, the sistrum amp stands many many times and it was nice- how ever the owner of that system heard a very similar system to his with a rix rax hoodoo and well needless to say the sistrum was sold ... 
Where does your user name come from?
I just checked up on this thread again, and Loose, I just about feel over after reading your response, I think I went out with her for a while too :)Come on where are some of the other guys that post a lot around here Redkiwi, TOK2000, Muralman, P... 
Bug Ugly
Those ugly little Green Mountain audio speakers- with or with out grille's they are ugly! 
Verity Speaker Parsifal Encore
Ernie- I don't much care what the woofer is suppose to do, I have heard them in 4 different rooms(including my own) and I still feel that the bass is sluggish- and I know I am not the only one who thinks that. And as I said before I don't think it... 
CD Players with Analogue Sound
I second Mejames- all hail audio aero capitole II!