
Responses from tireguy

The Best System In The World
Rel- Thank you very much- us dub guys gotta stick together :) I gotta have close to 1000 posts and I never notice that before!!! gotta love my generation soooo clueless. 
The Best System In The World
Mike- Speaking of rooms I am sure you have spoke with Bill E. about his 'super' room, do you think that us east coasters will have a truly great system in our neck of the woods upon completion of his room? If nothing else his speakers should be im... 
Wadia 860x vs Audio Aero Capitole Mark II 24/192?
Hello, I listened to both extensively and ended up purchasing the audio aero, the Wadia isn't(in all fairness) even close to the analog smooth sound the audio aero has. The capitole II really draws you toward the music, I find myself staying up mu... 
The Best System In The World
Interesting audiogon's very own Mikelavigne comes in at a VERY respectable #4 :) Every time I see stuff like this its like eating a HUGE slice of humble pie- ah oh well its still fun! 
Anyone tried Jena Labs new Power Conditioner?
Buscis2- I am confused, you claimed you noticed your whites were whiter and more colors and now you say you haven't used the washing machine- what's the story, have you used it or haven't you used it??? If you haven't how can you tell which was wh... 
Compiling info for Audiogon FAQ's
4yanx- The reason I feel that the highly controversial and perhaps never ending threads I suggested belong in the FAQ section is because they are something we talk about- and instead of starting a new one every few months just keep a long one goin... 
Anyone tried Jena Labs new Power Conditioner?
Buscis2- I am interested in the Jena as well but haven't heard it- what did you feel were the differences between the washing machine and the EP-15? 
New Massive Attack LP: 100 th Window
I had plans of getting it this weekend but something came up and I will not have time to buy music this weekend :( so next weekend it will be- it was on my list to get, as well, when I first heard about its release- I like your taste in music Phas... 
Compiling info for Audiogon FAQ's
Arnie(and crew)- Looks great! You guys don't waste any time that's for sure!!! Seems like you are off to a good start, and the topics seem very basic yet allow users to find great amounts of information by specific catagory. I would be willing to ... 
Compiling info for Audiogon FAQ's
Another feature that would be nice, is the ability to have a poll with choices set- members could vote(anonmyously) for choices pre selected by the originator of the thread. The poll would tell percentage who vote for any given topic and the total... 
Compiling info for Audiogon FAQ's
My favorite- CD player with volume control?? -Tubes vs. Solid State-CD vs Vinyl-a full briefing(non stop discussion) of Biwire benefits and short comings 
Pass Labs X250 or X350?
Jwin- I wouldn't doubt what the service engineer said, a dealer told me the same thing- he told me it was due to the amount of watts the amps produce into class A after a certian amount of draw they go to a class AB operation(and believe it or not... 
Nordost Valhalla - Opinions please
I like the Valhalla sound, and as others have stated they will reveal the weakest link in any system. In your system I think the digital volume control on the wadia is the issue, as Kieth has suggested a preamp would help. I agree with his list of... 
Best speaker in the $4-6k range.
I have a feeling your speakers aren't to blame on the fatiguing sound but the Krell gear- from all of my experience with B&W they may not be the perfect speaker but they aren't fatiguing compared to any krell gear I have listened to which alwa... 
How many Maggie owners have special stands?
Phil- I have not tried new stands per se, I know there is a lot of untapped performance just waiting to be captured from Sound Anchors or Mye stands- I am not sure how long I will keep the 3.6's for but I am thinking about getting new stands, in t...