
Responses from tireguy

xrcd 24 - someone did digital right
I have a few dozen XRCD's from Pop/Rock, Jazz and classical recordings, they are all good for what they are- no denying that. But SACD on the right front end will not only run toe to toe with XRCD but on high quality DSD recordings blow XRCD out o... 
Audio Shows and Equipment BreakIn
Having previously owned Avalon speakers I can tell you break in is a very real thing and takes a LONG time for them to sound good. Avalon's are very particular with proper set up and room treatment, I think it would be unlikely to get them soundin... 
Dark Side of the Moon
This is exclusive to D.S.O.T.M. but the hybrid's are THE BEST I have ever heard, there are 3 different pressings of the hybrid, the good one is the Japanese pressed CD. The other two(Holland, and USA{aka Crest}) are known to crack around the cente... 
Loading times / problems on Agon ???
I have noticed this phenomenon since last weekend at other sites and it seems to have effected most all forum style websites I frequent. It is inconsistent and quite annoying, I dunno what's up, my firewall is not picking up any unusual activity??... 
Question about cryogenically treated tubes
I have never cryo treated tubes, but from what I have read it may improve sonics slightly, but more importantly it will extend tube life. I know you can get it donehere at Jena Labs but for less money I would try http://www.cryotweaks.com they cry... 
Tenor 75Wp monos & Amati Homage
Bwhite- The Berning is not a true OTL since is has a transformer inbetween the tubes and the speakers- hence making it NOT an output transformer less amp. There is a big difference, the magic of an OTL can not be rivaled in the right system. I was... 
Personal speaker evolution
Gosh Dave that's funny I thought I saw a patern developing, guess that show's you what I know :-p 
Audio Aero Mark II--using balanced and unbalanced
Thanks for the update! I was curious what the out come was going to be. 
Accuphase A-50v + Accuphse DP-75v : CABLES?????
Is there anything you think is missing? Your using good stuff(not absolute state of the art, but still very nice) and if it ain't broke don't fix it comes to mind- unless you are looking for something in particular. Having owned Accuphase seperate... 
Biggest Baddest Audio Cables
Shubertmaniac- You know what is really ironical- in this thread Carl was demanding Kelly be banned and Kelly the same of Carl. Looks like they both got there wish! Funny how things work out. 
Audio Aero Capitole mated with Krell KRC-3 Pre-Amp
I have compared the Capitole II run direct vs. through a pre amp and have always prefered direct. Pre amps I have tried include, CJ ART seriesII, BAT- VK50se, Aesthetix IO signature w/dual power supply and volume control, and more that are slippin... 
Resolution Audio Opus vs. Audio Aero Capitole MKII
Busaganashi- You've got the largest audio aero dealer in your home town! Give Jonathan at Chambers Audio a call 503.221.0465 He also knows lots of audiophiles in your neck of the woods so it would be a good contact to have either way. If you are t... 
Resolution Audio Opus vs. Audio Aero Capitole MKII
I have never heard the opus but I have heard the CD50 and CD55 they are both great players, in there respected price range. How ever there is NO comparison between them and the cap. II, that doesn't answer your question directly but if I were you ... 
Wolcott Presence 220M system compatiblity?
Shame on you Mr. Porter for picking on this fella, you could learn a lot about class from a man like that! ..... well may be not ;) 
Personal amp evolution
David- How about some of the super powerful amps you have demo'd recently??? You certainly like powerful amps for those power craving speakers!! I have heard the new Tenor's and they are amazing, not sure if they will have enough juice for you, bu...