

Responses from three_easy_payments

Thinking of buying a pair of Splendor D7.2...
@fsonicsmith   Well thanks for making the deliberation even more difficult now! ha...perhaps O/93s will be somehting I just keep an eye open for on the used market and act opportunistically if the whim catches me.  Thanks again for the well-descri... 
Thinking of buying a pair of Splendor D7.2...
@fsonicsmith   What a great review and comparison of these two speakers! Thanks so much for putting the time into your write up. I find the Spendors to be very fast speakers with plenty of bass under the correct amplification (I've tried a couple ... 
Poor internet, streaming not possible
what is your download speed?  It very well may be your possibly outdated router and not the internet speed. 
How I spent my time at home
Actually, it’s a photo of Pattie Boyd, George Harrison’s first wife. And the inspiration for Clapton's "Layla".  ;-) 
Thinking of buying a pair of Splendor D7.2...
@fsonicsmith   Just curious how you would describe the sound of the D7's vs the O/93's.  I have the D7's and agree with everything you said about them, including how to maximum the listening experience.  I've been curious about the Devores too. 
HFT High Frequency Transducer
@mijostyn  Wait a few days. The glare will be back.I realize your comment suggests this may all be expectation bias or unfounded perception but I don't think that's the case here.  For the past 4 months I had HFTs on only 2 of the windows which I ... 
HFT High Frequency Transducer
I just wanted to post on this old thread the wonderful results I've obtained placing one HFT in the center of each of the four 7.5ft tall x3.5 ft wide glass windows that align side-by-side and make up much of the left wall of my listening room. Co... 
How will the COVID-19 pandemic affect sites like Audiogon?
@erik_squires   Unemployment in the US will top 40% this year. While I don't disagree that things are going to get super ugly on unemployment, I think your 40% is a bit over the top.  Even during the worst of the Great Depression unemployment topp... 
These seem a bit pricey $$$
@ebm    Buy USA get more for your money. While I'm big proponent of buying USA one thing to keep in mind is that the $USD is beginning to crush international currencies.  Purchasing products outside the US using US Dollars is starting to have a ... 
Whest Phono Stages
If the USD continues it rout on world currency, including the British pound, I may actually be able to afford the PS 40 RDT SE.  Been chatting with James about it...what a great guy he is with customers. 
Stuck at home? Make a kit!!
Unless you're retired, being "stuck at home" means either working from home, trying to balance working from home with e-learning for your kids, or you've now lost your job due to the associated economic downturn. Fortunately I'm working from home ... 
Do any of you "meditate" on your music?
Immersing yourself in music is meditation.   
best phono stage under 10k
@tomic601  Yeah, Keith has the phono pre voiced very well with the stock tubes.  I found that I get my best improvements rolling the tubes in my linestage instead and just leaving the Herron alone. 
best phono stage under 10k
@tomic601   I've had zero luck rolling tubes in my Herron...I always go back to the stock EHs that Keith provided to get the best sound.  Sounds like you're enjoying the RCAs?  Presumably in the 1st gain stage? 
For less than $35/ea you can pick up the BlueNote Tone Poet reissues which sound amazing.  Best deal going in vinyl I believe today.