

Responses from three_easy_payments

Anyone else grateful that they got hooked on this crazy addiction
@desert  How are you liking your REL S/510 paired with those floorstanders? 
SUT vs. Phono preamp
@fleschler +1 on the Zesto SUT.  I use one in combo with a Herron VTPH2A and love the flexibility and ability to dial in nearly any cart. 
I like my Peachtree Nova300 more than my new (to me) Pass XA30.5 HELP!
I had a Nova150 several years ago and currently run a Pass XA30.8 in my main system today.  The two amps couldn't sound any more different.  I realize we all have different preferences for sound but to me the Peachtree sounded dry, brittle, and 2 ... 
I like my Peachtree Nova300 more than my new (to me) Pass XA30.5 HELP!
Maybe someone more knowledgeable than I can provide input here, but the Nova's preamp section was designed to pair with it's Class D amplification.  I'm not sure the same design would have been used if this were a Class A integrated amp - I'm refe... 
Yggdrasil - what next?
In the $4K range I've always wanted to try out the T+A Elektroakustik DAC 8 DSD. 
Who are your favorite A'gon posters?
I respect any poster whose sole purpose on this board isn't to be validated.  Being a kind human being is underrated. 
Who are your favorite A'gon posters?
now girls girls, you're all pretty. 
amp hiss impact on speakers
geez, and I presumed only an SR fuse could possibly extend the life of a tweeter. 
Mytek Liberty vs Chord Qutest
Qutest is probably better, at least to my ears.  A smoother more liquid presentation. 
Bob Dylan - "Murder Most Foul"
It's definitely not the shortened for radio version ;-) 
Roon's update sounds really good
@erikso it was just coincidental that you did this at the same time as a Roon firmware update? Maybe your SR fuse broke in and opened up at the same time ;-) 
Tube Rolling Time
+1 for recommendations from Brent Jessee. He gave me a few 6922 suggestions for my VAC linestage - ultimately I chose a pair of NOS Mullard 7308's which made a material sonic improvement for my system. 
Thinking of buying a pair of Splendor D7.2...
@fsonicsmith  Very helpful distinction there! I bought my D7s after feeling that they came extremely close to the Joseph Audio floorstanders but at half the price.  The D7s should also be a little easier to drive.  I will keep my eyes open opportu... 
Different Tubes and general purpose?
In the big scheme of things though you will hear much more difference changing the fuse inside the amp than changing the tubes.This is a gush, this is dismissive....this isn’t "correctly pointing out" anything....this is opinion that is dismissive... 
Different Tubes and general purpose?
Absolutely absurd dismissing that tubes can make a difference while gushing over a fuse. I’ve rolled tubes and I’ve tried Synergistic fuses and other products from SR. All have made a difference but I have to say, a pair of NOS 7308 Mullards from ...