

Responses from three_easy_payments

How long do you think it will take
You're right, despite incredibly cheap prices as a supplier I'm sure the US will instantly stop importing the $100B+ annually worth of computer mother boards, power generators, inverters, connectors, integrated circuits, capacitors, convertors as ... 
Purchasing vinyl online
+1 on AcousticSounds...I should have mentioned them too. 
Turntable platforms
I agree with @millercarbon on this.  Last year I bought a BDR Source Shelf and combined it with BDR cones that sit on BDR carbon fiber isolation pads.  The combination works extremely well under my table and I couldn't be happier.   
Purchasing vinyl online
What genres are you most interested in? If you’re into jazz there is no better value going right now in new vinyl than BlueNote’s Tone Poet Series at under $35/ea (they were running a 30% off sale recently and I bought a truckload). Mastered from ... 
The System Percentages Thread
@millercarbonIf $40 worth of tweaks provides a massive improvement to every amp and pair of speakers why wouldn’t manufacturers simply integrate them into the design? I understand why they don’t include expensive power cords, but tweaks that cost ... 
Jazz for someone who doesn't like jazz.
Miles Davis - Kind of BlueBest selling jazz album of all time mainly because it appealed (was accessible) to people who didn't necessarily like jazz.   
Bias adjustment
@richfrank Just to confirm what I think you said, the Cary tech insisted your bias reading was incorrect even though they didn’t have the amp in their possession to dispute your reading? Weird. Yes, the manual says 75mA but honestly 80mA shouldn’t... 
Bias adjustment
I got this cheap Woods multimeter at Lowes a few years back for my Cary SLI-80...now use it on my SLI-80HS.  Very simple and about $20.https://mobileimages.lowes.com/product/converted/032886/032886958441.jpg?size=xl   
Where’s My Weakest Link?
@needlebrush Unfortunately this forum often misses the mark on the comradery you’d expect amongst folks who share the same passion for audio and instead it becomes a venue for people to selfishly attempt to prove they are the smartest guy in the r... 
What to do with Thorens TD 166 turntable
There are definitely Thorens fans who would be interested.  In fact I may be. Ha.  To a Thorens hobbyist who is looking to restore a unit like this the most important question is whether the plinth in in good shape (i.e. no damage to the wood etc)... 
Where’s My Weakest Link?
...and the thread does it's regular organic evolution from trying to provide the OP with input to diatribes aimed at obtaining self validation of one's prowess in the hobby at all costs!  sigh 
Whest Phono Stages
I suppose this is another data point to suggest the Whest line perhaps isn't for me.  The Anthem M1 sound definitely isn't for me - I know plenty of folks like them and that's why we all have choices but to my ears they are less than neutral, clea... 
Where’s My Weakest Link?
You simply aren't using the right fuse - it's the only thing holding your system back from it's full potential.Honestly, pound for pound putting effort into room acoustic treatment will likely make the biggest difference. I wouldn't start making g... 
Recommend cartridge for pass labs preamp amp and Harbeth 40.2
I find my Kleos sounds best loaded between 90-175 ohms.  Is a lower loading available to you?  500 ohms would be too zippy and I could see you losing warmth. 
Audio discounts during Coronavirus
Also, I have taken a completely different approach during this crisis.  I deliberately sought out a small business owner and purchased something from him I probably wouldn't have normally bought - I think it's really important to support small bus...