

Responses from three_easy_payments

Looking For Candidates For That Mythical 6922 Tube
Try real NOS 1960s and 1970s Amperex (Holland and USA made) 6922 tubes and not the later ones branded as Bugle Boy. Also Mazda may give you the great high end you are seeking. I personally go for a totally different sonic signature in my preamp an... 
Whest Phono Stages
@boxer12  Yeah, the further I dig into the Whest phonos the more I don't think they align with my musical priorities, nor does any SS phono stage I now believe.  Being honest with myself I think the one attribute I really was attracted to was a de... 
A moment when you realized better sound was possible.
Back in the 80s as a freshman in college I heard my first CD player.  The technology seemed pretty cool but I was afraid to be on the only one in the crowd saying "vinyl sounds better".  So I suppose it was a moment when I realized worse sound was... 
Audio discounts during Coronavirus
I've noticed (unrelated to virus) that every Shunyata dealer seems to be unwinding their power cord inventory these days to make way for the Reference Series V2.  I'm not looking for a power cord but the Alpha EF's etc are being priced to sell pre... 
Speakers for Yamaha AS2100
A solid state amp like this rated at 150W into 4 ohms and 90W into 8 ohms are going to drive most speakers.  You will get many recommendations in this price range for KEF but I'd probably be scanning the used market and considering something like ... 
Audio discounts during Coronavirus
Everyone understood the question.  Some simply choose to respond in a manner that fits their personality best.   
Best speaker cables for under 500$ (Euros)
Whatever you decide, this is definitely an item to purchase used.  Low risk on some hidden damage or abuse and you will get 1/2 off new pretty easily.   
Whest Phono Stages
For the past several weeks I've been checking out James' Instagram posts which I think provide some glimpse into the Whest sound - granted as well as can be expected through a phone or iPad.  Even through a cheap playback device I'm using I can te... 
Whest Phono Stages
@ferrari275  I appreciate you weighing in with your experience.  That is how I imagine the sound after reading the reviews.  Perhaps evoking an immediate "wow" from the clean, clear, bright presentation but then as your brain settles in you may re... 
Whest Phono Stages
How would you Whest owners describe the Whest "house sound"?  I guess I'm somewhat guarded against an uber hi-fi, forward yet detailed sound signature.  I'm looking for some fluidity and ease to my vinyl presentation. 
Diagnosing and fixing transformer hum
With one particular amp I owned, and after trying everything possible, the only culprit remaining was delamination "rattle" from loose windings over time. Sometimes the transformer is simply bad...and an electrician isn't going to help anything.  ... 
Advice on setting VTA
@cleeds   and then check by sighting the actual cantilever, rather than using the cartridge body or pickup arm themselves as a reference.Couldn't agree more.  It's easy to accidentally bloat your bass by setting the tail too low if you're not payi... 
Great country recording
A lot of what's been suggested above falls under what I'd consider more Americana than country but it's also what I happen to prefer.  Yes, much modern Americana is recorded well - especially folks like Rawlings and Welch and Jason Isbell.  From b... 
Mark Sammut is ill. Does anyone know how to give support
I see the Reno HiFi page was updated yesterday.  Doesn't sound like COVID and it seems he is recovering now...great news.Mark Sammut is recovering well from an apparent acute stomach virus. 
Mark Sammut is ill. Does anyone know how to give support
Can you pass along the web page link you're referencing?  I don't see it on the Reno Hifi webpage.  Fantastic experience working with Mark last year and I hope he recovers quickly.  Once recovered I'm sure he'd appreciate some love by keeping his ...