

Responses from three_easy_payments

has anyone experienc Luna Dialogue amp ?ed a Rogue RP-1 with Prima
If you're interested in bass I'd recommend a solid state amp.Agreed.  I feel I get the best of both worlds with a tube pre and Class A SS amp.  Everything I like in the sound of tubes but with no compromise. 
what pre amp for ATC SCM 40v2 spkrs + 250.5 Pass Labs pwr amp
I've been really pleased with how well my VAC Ren MKV preamp pairs with my Pass XA30.8 amp, and hence picked Ralph's brain a bit about whether the preamp design lends itself towards good compatibility - including excellent and tight bass extension... 
What should my next cartridge be?
Isn't the Hiyabusa a $4,500 cart??? 
what pre amp for ATC SCM 40v2 spkrs + 250.5 Pass Labs pwr amp
@atmasphere  Ah gotcha.  So a transformer-coupled design would be more desirable on this front?  I appreciate the education that your posts always bring. 
John Prine, singer, songwriter, legend - Dead at 73 from COVID-19
His music will continue to take me to a special place for the rest of my listening life.  What a treasure he was....so glad I was able to see him perform live. 
what pre amp for ATC SCM 40v2 spkrs + 250.5 Pass Labs pwr amp
@atmasphere   To this end, its really helpful if the output impedance be constant across the band rather than rising at lower frequenciesWould the output impedance of the preamp be static across the band if by design it's not dependent upon feedback? 
What should my next cartridge be?
@agrippa  Very nice summary and comparison.  Much appreciated! 
What should my next cartridge be?
@agrippa  How would you say the Hana ML compares to the AT ART9?  I'm very familiar with the Hana but have never heard the ART9.  
Looking for best streamer without DAC under $3500
Has anyone compared the Lumin U1 Mini against the Auralic Aries G1? 
For efficient speakers, how much difference does an amp really make?
@millercarbon   Sorry, but its been a long day of silly questions- and even worse replies.This is supposed to be a forum to pose question and exchange ideas about audio.  Why do you prefer to turn it into a platform for you to critique both the qu... 
What should my next cartridge be?
Speaking of Soundsmitth carts, one that has piqued my interest in the under $2K category is the Zephyr MIMC Star ES Low Output MI Phono Cartridge.  With a weight of 10.25g it should be a decent compliance match with a pretty wide range of arms.  I... 
What should my next cartridge be?
which arm do you have on the Clearaudio?   
Favorite Linear power supply
It's the transformers in the switching power supply wall warts that make them noisy,... not so much the diodes and caps.  Linear power supplies can definitely be noisier than switching supplies as LPS use larger transformers which contribute to ma... 
Top ten American composers/songwriters
I always loved how Andrew Hill's compositions were challenging which brought out the best of his session-mates on many occasions. 
Best Preamp round $8000
For ~$5K used, I'm using a VAC Renaissance MKV and love it.  Running a pair of a NOS Mullard 6922's, it's pure preamp bliss to my ears.  I realize we are all going to recommend our pre's but thought I'd chime in.