

Responses from three_easy_payments

Uptone EtherRegen
@asindc It is interesting given the extreme levels of hype over the past year that the validating glowing reviews aren't just rolling in over the internet.  The buildup seems to have been more exciting than post-launch reality. 
Tube amp recommendations to drive Paradigm Tributes
@ronwave  Regardless, the system sounds very good and I enjoy it. However I am very curious about class A/tube amps. You will drastically change the sound you say you enjoy so much by going from Class D SS to Class A tube.  I'd be surprised if u... 
AURALIC VEGA dac: Best cable to use to pair with AURALIC G1 or G2 streamer?
You can find some opinions on Auralic's forum as well: https://community.auralic.com/ I think I had read some folks preferring the AES/EBU connectors from the Aries G1 to the DAC. 
Wouldn't it be ironic if it turned out that snake oil actually improved fidelity? 
New Years Resolution .......
I find that 99% of the time with vinyl I listen to the whole album....with streaming, not so much.   
PSA: Be Careful Dealing With Uptone Audio
@glupson   Is it really not worth taking a risk selling there just because some buyer may want to get what they paid for under the terms they paid for it? I think the NBA has already vetted this calculus ;-) 
PSA: Be Careful Dealing With Uptone Audio
This is a very helpful data point @Mikey8811.  Sorry about your experiences and appreciate all the time you put into your narrative above.   
Steakster nailed it!
The current most annoying poster...This trophy is passed around so quickly it's really hard to keep up 
New tube preamp
I've never been impressed with the BHK preamp - it sounds quite "soul-less" to me and left me underwhelmed.  In the under $5K range I'd be looking towards Don Sachs or Backert or perhaps a used Herron VTSP3A. 
First Moving Coil (MC) Cartridge Acquisition
I'm using a Hana SL through a Herron VTPH2A and it sounds great.  64dB is more than enough gain.  For cart flexibility and better tuning I actually run the Hana SL through a Zesto Allasso SUT applying just 61dB gain and 400 ohm loading - a perfect... 
Best amp to drive Wilson Yvette’s
Maybe I'm totally missing something but how does the ARC Ref 75SE provide the OP with more headroom for the Wilsons than he is currently getting from his Pass 250.8? 
A cable routing reminder
Most importantly I've found that the ICs between the turntable tonarm cart leads and phono stage/SUT to be the most critical in terms maintaining distance from PCs in order to reduce noise.  There are less noise implications I've seen with ICs rel... 
Hana SL or ML?
@ndevamp  Surprised about this comment:I have an SL here and it definitely likes cartridge loading above 2k ohms to open out the soundstage.I run my SL smack on the recommended 400 ohm and that sounds perfectly dialed in to me.  2K would sound inc... 
Best amp to drive Wilson Yvette’s
Surprised you'd think you need more headroom over what the Pass 250.8 can deliver.  It puts out 250 watts per channel into an 8 ohm load, which doubles to 500 watts per channel into 4 ohms. In stereo, the Luxman m900u by comparison delivers 300Wpc... 
What is the best digital recording of Saint-Saëns’ 3rd Violin Concerto?
@saint but Bell’s intonation is sometimes off.It’s probably the junky 300-yr old violin that he plays causing the intonation issues ;-)