

Responses from three_easy_payments

How Low Can You Go?
well there you have it, @millercarbon has stated that reducing the noise floor to improve dynamic range - leading to better clarity and details, larger imaging and improved PRaT - is a total waste of time and effort. As long as you can drown it al... 
Seems like a lot of folks are putting their Primaluna amps for sale...
I suspect people are either selling due to finances or possibly looking to move up.  i think PL gear are a decent value for the price but don't deliver what I'd call a magical experience with tubes.  They are reliable and don't do much wrong but a... 
Pass and ARC
@billwojo   That SP8 is certainly a classic!  Still using original power supply caps etc?   
Who's Gone Topless?
Is this mission to Mars or using an amp without a cover?...apparently they are one in the same. 
Pass and ARC
How old is that Ref 2? If it’s early production it could date back 20 years so I’d want to make sure it’s in good working order before pulling the trigger. Technically it will certainly work together and there’s no impedance mismatch or the like b... 
Who's Gone Topless?
At the end of the day it really is ok to like what you like based on whatever criteria you decide to assign. It's so ridiculous to try to convince someone else you're finding joy in something for all the right reasons or defending yourself that yo... 
PrimaLuna EVO 100 DAC
I'd like to hear feedback from people who have compared the PL against the Lampizator Amber3 ($2,750).  I haven't heard the Amber3 but if it's even slightly close to the Atlantic I can't believe the PL can touch it.  
more gain = more dynamics or less?
The answer is you want to MATCH cartridge output level to phonostage gain in order to attain the best SQ . If the phonostage doesn’t have sufficient gain for the cart’s output level, the signal will be noisy and the dynamic contrasts you’re seekin... 
Herron VTPH-2A vs ModWright PH 9.0
I was hoping to read more side-by-side comparisons of these phono stages. On paper the Modwright has some advantages but that doesn’t speak to sound quality differences. I like Modwright’s Lundahl step up approach on the MC input vs Herron’s FET-b... 
Who's Gone Topless?
Removing RFI shielding from my components never led to big sonic improvements. 
Is there such a thing as too much power?
OP seems to imply that an amplifier's contribution to SQ is theoretically solely based on watts and not circuit design and a bazillion other factors. 
Who's Gone Topless?
What about components designed and constructed with internal shielding to keep noise levels and distortion low? This strategy seems a bit counter to noise reduction if you inadvertently (intentionally?) are removing that part of the engineering. 
Is my room size going to be a problem for speakers?
I'm not sure there would be room left to shoe-horn in a chair after placing the pair of Tektons, 6 subwoofers, and audio rack.  
Subwoofer advice sought
I tend to agree with @erik_squires on this one (but I wouldn't call it a cult - we all have a preference for how we enjoy experiencing sound and music).  Are we trying to envelope ourselves within a soundstage instead of having it presented front ... 
Most recordings you own by a single artist, group, or composer
@schubert   So why isn't your handle @jsbach???? ;-)