

Responses from three_easy_payments

Point of higher priced streamer?
My Lumin U1 sounds orders of magnitude better than my Node2 when streamed through the same DAC. This should be impossible according to many posters here. I had 60 days to return the Lumin U1 but of course I kept it. It also handily beat out an Aur... 
Dedicated line questions...
@geof   That's a reasonable goal.  While I use a 15A circuit, it is dedicated to only my audio. 
Dedicated line questions...
If I were building a new home or re-wiring my home I'd probably run 20A to my audio receptacle.  But I wouldn't pay an electrician hundreds of dollars to convert my 15A to 20A without a known reason or goal.  I run all my gear into a power regener... 
Tube Amp soundstage
Ralph’s post is perfect to demonstrate how the design and implementation are applied to get the desired outcome from an amp. Designers of both tubes and transistors make choices and tradeoffs to achieve their goals. Tubes have a relatively high ou... 
Tube Amp soundstage
MC says "Designers never came up in my post at all. Now you’re pretending it did. Crazy." Look...the inconvenient truth is that when talking about tubes vs SS You CANNOT separate the equipment from the design if you want to discuss the harmonics t... 
Tube Amp soundstage
MC - you were asserting that tube amps sound better than SS due to their even/2nd harmonics and that SS amps are "not at all like this".  Your words, not mine.  While I agree that tube designs naturally lend themselves to producing 2nd harmonics, ... 
DAC's Made in the USA
Benchmark DAC3B 
Tube Amp soundstage
Okay, explain to me then how any amp, solid state or otherwise, can be "mindful"? Of course an inanimate object can’t be mindful but the designer of one can be which is my point and you know that regardless of how cute you try to be with your wor... 
Music bleeding at zero volume
Holy crap! There. See how easy that was? MC - Your answer is correct but why do you have to be so mean in your style of providing it?  You do this every time....so condescending. Sheesh. 
Tube Amp soundstage
So when a tube amp adds even a few percent of even order harmonics our brains easily blend it into one seamless whole. Solid state and digital however are not at all like this. The distortions they produce are far lower in magnitude MC’s asserti... 
Tube Amp soundstage
@dtaponow you just need to go down the rabbit hole of SET tube amps and take that tube soundstage, depth, nuance, texture to the next level ;-) 
@cd You did mention in the original post this was a discussion restricted to cables. Problem is no one wants to read and they’d rather jump on their soapbox and opine on anything they feel like, regardless of how relevant.Underrated/High Value Cab... 
Customer service
How do you like the Acme 845's and what did they replace in your amp?  I'm considering trying the Acme 805's and would likely get them through Grant as well.  I ordered a Psvane rectifier from them a few months ago w/o expedited shipping and it ar... 
Tuning my system towards a darker tone
@erik_squires  Maybe they should not cross at all. They could point straight across the room. I asked because I have the similarly designed O/96's and they sound terrible pointed straight out.  In my room they sound best with the tweeters cross... 
Experience using a subwoofer with Tekton speakers?
Of all people I’m pretty shocked that MC isn’t more aware of proper amp/speaker matching within the Tekton line up. Watching that video that @tvad posted you can hear Eric state in no uncertain terms that a 7W amp just doesn’t play well with a 4 o...