

Responses from three_easy_payments

What did you make for Christmas?
actually gulls are the astute salmon fisherman’s ( and highliner ) friend.....any decent herring or bait ball gets pushed up by the salmon and the gulls let you know that from a long way away.... So MC even failed to "install" a metaphor correc... 
Lamm LP2/2.1 vs Luxman EQ-500
@jperry  All I can say is the Luxman is excellent and I have not heard the Lamm Agree with your post of course.  Heck, I own the Luxman EQ-500 and love it but I've never heard the Lamm so it would be ridiculous for me to recommend it over the La... 
Amp recommendations
@donvito  @millercarbonThe OP has a preamp. Why are you recommending an integrated amp?? Because this is what MC always does.  His answer is to scrap your whole system and replace everything with a Raven amp and Tekton speakers.  Always....at al... 
What did you make for Christmas?
How about you three_easy_payments ? you get anything done? No, I didn't tear down and rebuild any of my gear.  You're probably wondering how I still managed to enjoy my audio gear?   
What did you make for Christmas?
@billwojo Science, engineering, logic, and common sense don’t play well in MC’s world or agenda. He needs to get more mileage out of fO.q tape and his thesis that tweaking equipment with items that can be found in your kitchen junk drawer are the ... 
Amp recommendations
I'm surprised the Cary 300B drove those 90dB, 4 ohm speakers to their potential and in fact the speakers could have reduced the life on the amp....or perhaps it's just the tubes that have gone bad?  While it won't be exactly the same sonics I'd co... 
Subwoofers with current source First Watt?
I had looked into this when I used to run a Pass XA30.8 and was contemplating adding a sub. From the Pass Labs Owner’s Manual regarding subwoofer connection: “Some powered subwoofers require an audio signal ground reference, and their makers may s... 
Portable speakers around 300K?
I assume you mean $300???? 
For the Audiophile with a taste for good design(looks)....a question.
@russbutton Nice job integrating your speakers and rack into your aesthetic. I had a 1928 Craftsman home about 20 years ago that I loved. Just had a certain coziness imbedded. Like audio gear it was eventually time for a flavor change and I’m now ... 
Pure tube phono preamp
Why would millercarbon mention an MM phono stage that doesn't meet the OP's requirements of handling a LOMC?  He claims he reads well and admonishes others when they don't.  Well of course...so he can shamelessly pump a brand that's on his list of... 
16 ohm speakers: any amp sounds better with more resolution. speaker cables less critical.
My 96dB/10ohm speakers sound much better on my amp's 16ohm taps than the 8 ohm.  The 4 ohm taps are almost unlistenable.  The 16 ohm taps bring out so much more richness, nuance, and detail. 
Pure tube phono preamp
I have not heard it before but the Aesthetix Rhea Signature checks your boxes. https://www.audioconnect.com/product/aesthetix-rhea-signature-phono-stage/  
Point of higher priced streamer?
@thyname  Better yet, a 100 grams of apples and 100 grams of blueberries both have the same amount of carbs (12g) - hence they "measure" the same.  Should they taste the same? ;-)  As Nelson Pass likes to say..."we just aren't measuring the right ... 
Frail and Bedazzled
@mijostyn   If you are disappointed with digital get a Vacuum Tube DAC such as the Audio Research DAC 9. It will make digital files sound more analog. I did exactly that and have been using a Lampi Atlantic TRP for the past year.  It has made my... 
Sound quality impact - preamp vs power amp?
Thanks @co93 I’ve been thinking about picking up a used SIT-3 as I work at home all day and listen to music. I realize I’ve been putting just a ton of mileage on the tubes in my SET tube amp in 2020 and perhaps drawing more power than justifiable ...