

Responses from three_easy_payments

Sound quality impact - preamp vs power amp?
@co93   Just curious....what do you match your SIT-3 with? 
Lamm LP2/2.1 vs Luxman EQ-500
@mglik   No experience with either but your recommendation is a Zesto? lol  Look, I think Zesto products are nice as well...in fact I own one of their SUTs, but how on earth can you recommend against the Lamm or Luxman with no experience hearing e... 
@twoleftears    MC is a fiction of his own imagination. Not everyone can manage that.I can picture MC mumbling to himself all day "The first rule of Fight Club is you don't talk about Fight Club." lol  Yeah, I think your thesis is likely spot on. 
Frail and Bedazzled
@snackeyp   My experiences are similar to yours and I use digital the same as you - mainly exploring for new material and when I have the music on in the background, more or less. I can't however quantify how much more I enjoy the vinyl over digit... 
Speaker recommendation $10-20K (with some requirements!)
@randym860   Millercarbon won't say it but i will. The answer could be tekton design moab or ulfberht. Problem is only way to hear them is if you know someone who has them or find an electronics show where they have a booth. They do allow you to ... 
Point of higher priced streamer?
@thyname   Hey @three easy payments, good post. Although I am afraid you are talking to the wall Thanks.  It's hard to get the "bits are bits" camp to contemplate that the SQ differences likely (as in 100%) have nothing to do with the digital po... 
Point of higher priced streamer?
@thyname  I agree...there is firm entrenchment.  I'm just sharing what I've experienced through lots of A/B testing over the years.  I can hear a difference in some things and others I can't...or just barely.  In this example with the streamers I ... 
Point of higher priced streamer?
@pc997  I don't believe the sonic differences have anything to do with the packet delivery...I mean honestly, how could it?  Because you're right....the information is either received or it's not.  My working theory relates to keeping noise off th... 
Point of higher priced streamer?
@pc997   You need to compare streamer vs streamer using the same DAC. You will see no difference. I have done exactly this in my system.  A/B comparison streamed my Node2 and Lumin U1 to the same Lampizator DAC using same inputs.  Massive diffe... 
Your ears. Don't matter. If you can hear, good for you. Listening is a mental activity, not mechanical. Apparently doctors are worthless in helping anyone hear better and listening is all in your head and not in the functional organic parts of... 
What improvement came first?
No speakers sellers will recommend an inappropriate coupling beween amp and speakers @mahgister  Like a certain speaker seller stating 4 ohm speakers are always best? lol Look, I completely agree with you.  That's why it's so disappointing to ... 
not a fan of those speakers.  Sideways move at best. 
Speaker recommendation $10-20K (with some requirements!)
Magico A5....possibly used or demo if you can find them. They retail for $21K.  I believe they check all your boxes. 
What improvement came first?
Rudy Van Gelder and other recording engineers in the 50s often had to roll off the lows at ~100Hz in the final master because the turntables of the era couldn't handle the bass below that w/o skipping.  The vinyl playback technology had to evolve ... 
Paul McCartney 3
@roxy54   You apparently missed my post 2nd from the top. lol