

Responses from three_easy_payments

There us a Worldwide Panic on Availability of Vacuum Tubes
Shocked that the founder of EH is making this sensational claim...not. 
Best setting for Allnic H-7000 phono preamp with Hana Umami Red MC cartridge
That H-7000 is a killer phono! Congratulations. I'm green with envy.  
More watts or better power ?
Do you even know if you have an inordinate amount of noise on your line? Personally I'd replace the preamp - never have been impressed with the BHK. The Pass amps tend to run dead quiet and have excellent noise rejection. 
Air Tight ATM-300R or Shindo Cortese 300B
@dinho The ATM-300R has less of what is considered the classic 300B sound than the Shindo. The midrange-centric, lucid beauty that characterizes many other 300B single-ended amps isn’t really where the Air Tight amp is at. It certainly still has a... 
Poor Product Reviews? No Problem. Just Erase Them!!
Yep, online reviews whether they are for products or services (eg Yelp) are almost invariably completely gamed and manipulated.  Not all-together worthless but take them as a perhaps "suspect data point" in your overall diligence for sure! 
What Integrated Amp do You use
@audioman58   The Coda sounds interesting but would likely be a poor match with my Devore speakers.  What speakers are you using with it?  It sounds like a much different take on a Pass amp with specs like 400 Watts per channel into 8 Ohms, 800 Wa... 
Stacking Components
Agree with what everyone else is saying plus the RFI/EMI interplay potential. You really need to give your gear a chance to sound their best and it’s you’re reducing that possibility by stacking. 
List your breakthrough products that you’ve discovered on this audiophile Journey.
I've never found a tweak or enhancer to be a "breakthrough" product unless you include properly treating your room acoustically.  My true hallelujah moments have always come from a wonderfully designed component particularly when combined synergis... 
McIntosh- Sweetest, Smoothest sounding Solid State ?
...my other thought is a Pass SIT-3 when not running my tubes. 
McIntosh- Sweetest, Smoothest sounding Solid State ?
Since March 2020 I’ve been working from home and have music on much of the time. I’m actually thinking about getting a Sugden A21SE to use when I’m playing music while multitasking. My tube amp has a fairly pricey compliment of tubes and I cringe ... 
Turntable isolation platform Recommendations?
Electron microscopes?  I'm just listening to music...and not at the same time that I recreationally evaluate the structure of bacteria and viruses.  I think the soul of music has been lost among this group. 
What Integrated Amp do You use
Line Magnetic 805ia.  48W of Pure Class A SET bliss. Produces dream  sonics when paired with easy to drive speakers. 
Help with Shortlist of Speakers! (SF vs Devore vs Others?)
As a O/96 owner I will say that they would pair poorly with your Cambridge 100w (@8 ohms) SS amp.  I mean the sound will be ok but you won't be hearing anything close to the sound they are capable of producing with a say a 20W-35W EL34 push-pull t... 
McIntosh- Sweetest, Smoothest sounding Solid State ?
@avanti1960   What amp will you be replacing (as a point of reference)? 
Speakers for 300B --- Klipsch Heresy 4 or other ideas???
You could consider Zu Omen's.  I have not heard them but 97dB, 12 ohm specs certainly would pique my interest towards an audition within your price range.https://www.zuaudio.com/loudspeakers/omen-2