

Responses from three_easy_payments

How are most audiophiles going from streamers to DACS
With my Lampizator DAC and their USB module it’s a no-brainer - USB! Their module uses a 32-bit engine capable of 384 kHz speed. It is asynchronous and uses two internal clocks for re-clocking. It also is self powered from an internal power supply... 
Tube based phono stage
I may be putting my Herron VTPH-2A up for sale soon. 
Tube based phono stage
I'd consider the Allnic H-1202 at that price.  Sonics are right up the alley of a Leben/DeVore pairing. 
Devore 0/96 - Integrated AMP help
@rh67 The XA25 has a different SQ compared to any other Pass amp. I was wondering if perhaps I extrapolated my XA30.8 experience too far when comparing it to the XA25. This is good to know! 
Devore 0/96 - Integrated AMP help
It’s interesting that @rs67 felt his Pass edged out the LM805 when my experience was just the opposite - I had the Pass XA30.8 paired with a VAC Ren MKV pre and the LM805 was actually quite a bit better when paired with O/96’s. The only caveat I w... 
Anyone familiar with Air Tight ATM-1S?
Art Dudley did a nice review back in 2014.https://www.stereophile.com/content/air-tight-atm-1s-power-amplifier  
Devore 0/96 - Integrated AMP help
@essrand  I don't think amplifiers should be judged by weightage. I totally agree and I think my sentiment about transformer weight was overstated.  Great sound trumps weight by far - it's just that so many truly great sounding similar topograph... 
Devore 0/96 - Integrated AMP help
@grinnell   I'd really like to hear the O/96's with an amp like the Decware TORII MK4.  On paper it looks like a really good match.  My only "concern" is the 36 lb weight of the entire amp.  The quality of the transformers is so critical and it ma... 
Devore 0/96 - Integrated AMP help
For serious listening I run a Line Magnetic 805ia with my O/96's with fantastic results...very emotionally engaging with a dynamic, massive, immersive soundstage full of air and detail while providing a rich textured sound and a bit of that SET ma... 
How To Do You Measure the Quality of Your AC Power?
I used a $20 meter and could tell that my voltage was fluctuating quite a bit during the day which was also moving the bias on my power tubes quite a bit.  I ended up trying a PS Audio regenerator and they gave me a 30-day return period if I didn'... 
How many dealers do you use?
@whart    Some of the Tone Poets are a killer- I recommend Katanga! before it sells out +1 !!!! 
Sonics? All Things Must Pass -50th Anniversary
The sonics sounds like...ummm...money to me...$1,000 for all the diehard Harrison fans.https://store.georgeharrison.com/collections/all-things-must-pass-50th-anniversary/products/uber-deluxe  
The Raven Has Landed
20W 6L6GC amps often sound their best paired with efficient speakers that have a high and flat impedance. 
The Raven Has Landed
Not surprising you're enjoying the detail, nuance, and dynamics of  a 6L6GC-based amp over a KT88 amp.  I do too nearly every time regardless of brand, with the possible exception of the Luxman MQ-88uC where the KT88's are wired as triodes -it can... 
What is the reason for this? (Digital vs Vinyl Question)
With vinyl you pretty much need to go big (relatively) or go home in order to surpass even a $1000 digital front end. The mass loaded TT designs will get you there much more quickly than the fly-weight Rega designs.