
Responses from terry9

Cleaning, especially ultra-sonic cleaning, is a very good use of money. With my US set-up, I get an improvement about equal to upgrading a major component. In addition, a photomicrograph at 1000 hours showed minimal wear of my stylus - instead of ... 
Question About Capacitor Upgrade in Tube Amp
I would also suggest that Dielectric Absorption (DA) is the most important measure for modding, because the other measures should have been considered in the design phase. The properties you list are critical when using electrolytics, which are no... 
Question About Capacitor Upgrade in Tube Amp
You ask, "Does anyone know how the power supply bypass capacitor effects high end frequency response?" Maybe. The component may sound smoother, with a less etched treble if the power is cleaned up with such a capacitor. This etched treble is dist... 
Enough noise reduction?
Just so. @holmz   
Enough noise reduction?
Do it right and install an isolation transformer. That protects your system, improves the sound, and takes power cables out of the equation. I've done the tests and I have three isolation transformers in the utility room, 'cause they tend to hum w... 
And I wouldn't spend on premium records until I was getting the most from what I already had. @whart has published the Bible on record cleaning - that's good use of money too.  
By the way, @hotei , one inspects the cork to (1) know that the wine you are being served is the wine you are paying for, (2) to get a slight whiff of an unpleasant smell instead of a snoot-full (if it’s off), and (3) to anticipate the experience ... 
Question About Capacitor Upgrade in Tube Amp
And for really low values, less than a couple of ohms, nichrome wire just can't be beat.  
Question About Capacitor Upgrade in Tube Amp
Resistors make a difference too. I tested half a dozen candidates with a rotary switch in my preamp. Nude Vishay resistors were the best, no-name metal films from Taiwan second, aerospace hyper-expensive last.  
Ground voltage!!
Jea48 nails it.  
Question About Capacitor Upgrade in Tube Amp
In a break-out box, I have compared V-caps with Solen teflon f&f  and Relcap teflon f&f. The latter are good and quite similar IMO, and the V-caps are bright. To my ears, in my system, in my comparison. YMMV.  
A moral/ethical question regarding my Rek-O-Kut Rondine
Very sensible comment from Miller.  
A moral/ethical question regarding my Rek-O-Kut Rondine
Depends. How much do you like DIY? Here’s a project made to order: build your own plinth. I suspect that with a little research you can build a better plinth than the original, and one that fits your tonearm too. But beware. I did that and caugh... 
Ultrasonic record cleaners
RE: "lab grade". I stand corrected by antinn. I had no idea that the term had been hijacked as a marketing tool. I was using the term to mean, "of a quality appropriate to a commercial or scientific laboratory."   
Question About Capacitor Upgrade in Tube Amp
ANY cap upgrade is useful, power supplies included. In general, the type of capacitor is more important than brand. From cheapest (and least good) to best: metallized insulator, film and foil, air gap, vacuum. There is a good discussion of this i...