
Responses from terry9

Need advice for upgrading my analog setup
I think you should stop and audition some alternatives. Vinyl can sound dull and lifeless or unbearably shrill, or full bass, or lush midrange, etc etc. Find out what you like and choose your cartridge accordingly. Just my $.02. Good luck!  
If you had $12k / £10k to upgrade your analogue front-end...
Fair enough Cainullah. Just a thought.  
If you had $12k / £10k to upgrade your analogue front-end...
A suggestion. A step-up transformer for a moving coil cartridge is a ridiculously easy way to get into DIY. The finished boxes that you see often contain little to nothing more than a raw step-up transformer or two (Sowter (UK) makes a good one, ... 
If you had $12k / £10k to upgrade your analogue front-end...
RE: NA Dais I think so too. It does have a quirk, which is really a feature which contributes to its excellent sound. The motor is very, very, weak, about 1.8 W. You have to spin the table with your hand to start the platter moving - the motor is... 
Should I buy an SME 30/12A for 15K?
Yes,nferr, but it will be a 'forever' table. The rest can be upgraded at leisure.   
If you had $12k / £10k to upgrade your analogue front-end...
Since you're obviously in the UK, I would absolutely demo two or three Nottingham Analogue (Dais or better). @whart  is right - it is very difficult to demo the analogue front end, because it's not always clear what you are hearing (cartridge, ar... 
Heist/ crime songs
The Escape of Old John Webb - Kingston Trio - better than Tom Dooley Street Fighting Man - Stones Ring Cycle by Wagner - theft, fraud, slaving, rape, theft, murder, incest, murder, fraud - and that’s before the last opera opens    
Are There Improvements that Can Be Easily and Quickly Made Without Buying More Stuff?
Much good advice already. I suggest playing something with a strong bass line. Walk around the room and mark EXACTLY where the bass sounds strongest. Move your sub to that spot. Check for improvement. Repeat with other subs, if any. Move a booksh... 
Should I buy an SME 30/12A for 15K?
" it looks like it will be another 15K to make the 30/12 sing" I would NEVER look at it that way. Rather, the table and arm are SO GOOD that it will bring out the best in even a $15k cartridge. Only a great table can do that. A great cartridge w... 
Should I buy an SME 30/12A for 15K?
Don't think twice about it. If (and with the big SME, it's pretty unlikely) you ever abandon analogue, you'll get most or all of your money back when you sell. A great turntable with a mediocre cartridge will still sound very, very good. And turnt... 
End Game Turntable suggestions
Once you have experienced frictionless bearings in all dimensions, everything else sounds like a bad compromise. Air is the easiest way to do this, but you can do mag lev for thrust and air for lateral. It works just as well IME.  
End Game Turntable suggestions
As for a Pz plinth, it depends where the vibration happens. I use an air thrust bushing, that's an air cushion in all 3 dimensions, so my platter bearing noise is literally nil. So I don't need Pz for a platter board. Instead, I need rigidity and ... 
End Game Turntable suggestions
I also built a Pz wand for a Terminator, which had similar benefits, but not as much. I am using the heavy Pz as my main analogue.  
End Game Turntable suggestions
@pindac I built (actually, most of the woodwork was done to my specifications) three Pz wands for my air bearing DIY tonearm. First was just a flat piece 4mm thick Pz with a Pz spine. It was the lightest and worked quite well. Second was a hollow... 
End Game Turntable suggestions
As to Panzerholz, I use it for the motor board of my turntable and for the arm wand. It excels at both.