
Responses from terry9

One turntable with two arms, or two turntables with one each - which would you prefer?
I find that Pz warps only when left unsealed. Is your experience otherwise? Thanks!  
Speakers that scale
Magnepan (any) and Quad ESL’s, if you like planar sound, which I do.  
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”?
Thank you for the compliment, Raul, but I don't know enough to have a useful opinion.  
One turntable with two arms, or two turntables with one each - which would you prefer?
No question, more is better. My sample of B25 is 19 layers of birch, 18 of phenolic in 19mm, right on spec.  
One turntable with two arms, or two turntables with one each - which would you prefer?
@pindac I use Panzerholz quite a bit. My DIY air bearing turntable uses a platter board made of Pz topped with carbon composite. Dead as a tomb - and quite unnecessary as the air bearing produces no noise whatsoever (it’s air in all 3 dimensions).... 
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”?
Nice catch.  
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”?
@dover  Thank you very much! I'm looking to get another cartridge to complement my diamond Koetsu. Front runners at the moment are Grado and DaVa. What ARE the best cartridges you have heard, and why? I know that's a lot to ask, so please don't b... 
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”?
@richardkrebs Thank you for your review of the Hyperion. @aj523  Why do you like yours? How would you characterize the sound? Comparison? Thanks!    
Need 25 foot interconnects
As others have mentioned, the starquad configuration is best for a noisy environment. Canare L-4E6S is the very best because the shielding is the best: heavy, braided, pig to work with. Mogami is almost as good, but the shielding is twisted, so no... 
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”?
How would you characterize the Hyperion? Analytical, lush, ??? Thanks!  
Recommendations for HiFi Listening Room
Yes, my driver never quite gets it right.  
Recommendations for HiFi Listening Room
@kennyc TAS 50 Greatest Bargains in High-End Audio Hadn’t looked in ages - interesting though, that Magnepan speakers come up in 4 of 5 categories. Got to say that a pair of Magnepan DWM (woofer) panels really improved my system.    
Listening after your entire system was powered off cold for a week+
Hope that solves your problem !   My HT all has 'stand-by' operation, and so it sounds good almost immediately. My listening room, however, is all class A and takes time. For that matter, my cartridge (Koetsu) requires 45 minutes to sound its best.  
Listening after your entire system was powered off cold for a week+
My system sounds good after 12 hours, better at 100. Pre-amp only goes cold for extreme weather. The OP’s system needs more time to warm up after a complete shutdown. Perhaps some of his equipment has a ’stand-by’ function, which ’sort of’ keeps ... 
Planar speaker characteristics
Thanks bdp. I had not heard of Magnepan's sub - but truth to tell, I'm not too concerned with that bottom octave. Can make me feel a bit queasy, actually. Getting old is a ... how you say? Female canine? You sure are right about those Tympani bas...