
Responses from teajay

Reference DACS: An overall perspective
I just want to share my experiences regarding auditioning the Accuphase DP-78 CDP. Years ago I had the reference Accuphase digital front end gear that was quite good in its time era, but had not listened to an Accuphase piece in many years. This p... 
Review: Accustic Arts DAC1-MK4 DA converter
Dan, thanks for your kind words regarding my review of the MK4 DAC. It would be a pleasure to hear back from you what you think of the performance of MK4 in the context of your own system. 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
I have just read another, about the third, superlative review regarding the non-upsampling Audiomat Maestro DAC that is made in France. I know that Exlibris likes the sonics of non-upsampling DACS, so I was wondering if he or Branimir, who lives a... 
Marten Coltrane and Kharma mini opinions
Newly, I would highly recommend you give a call to Nellie at Audio Federation, they are dealers for both Kharma and Martin speakers. She's an absolute delight, extremely knowledgable, and totally honest in her opinions. 
Power conditioners and amp dynamics???
Mp666, I run two sets of monoblocks( Pass Labs XA-100's and Threshold SA-1's) through a Running Springs Audio Jaco line conditioner with great benefits with no loss of microdynamics/slam/punch at all.I posted a review on the Jaco here on the GON, ... 
AHs anyone heard the new Ayre MX-R mono blocs?
Tom hankins, a question asked with total respect, are you the kind of audiophile that would only audition one brand or one pair of amps before making your purchase?Even if the Ayre's did not cost $16,500.00 I would audition as many amps as I could... 
Power Conditioner Suggestions
Chadlesko, I have had Richard Grey and Shunyata power conditioners in my system at different times and believe that Running Springs Audio's Jaco line conditioner was superior to both of them. I wrote a review of the Jaco here on the GON that you m... 
AHs anyone heard the new Ayre MX-R mono blocs?
Denf, the Ayre MX-R monoblocks retail for $17000.00. I auditioned them in a total Ayre system driving MG-3.6's. I found them quite good except in two areas: 1) Not as much "air" around each player in the soundstage, along with the soundstage not a... 
A great article on Class D/switching amps
Branimir, you are quite correct. I have never auditioned the present Krell Evolution generation of amps. I was refering to past experiences with prior generations of Krell gear, that was not my cup of sonic tea.Muralman1, it sure would be fun to h... 
A great article on Class D/switching amps
Chris, you asked a great question, so let me answer it in three ways:1) As a reference point I'm not a fan of amps like Krell or Halcro or speakers like Wilson because I find them to have certain qualities (details, dynamics, transparency) but for... 
A great article on Class D/switching amps
Vince, without being disrespectful or mean spirited towards you or Mr. Ho, if he can make his D amps sound exactly like my Pass Labs XA-100's or a dartZel I will order a pair right now.This sounds like a claim made almost twenty years ago by Bob C... 
Footers and Running Springs Audio Haley?
Jaybar, I use a Jaco in my system, it's a great piece in my opinion, and I have tried Goldmund cones and wood blocks, instead of the sorbethane feet and heard no difference at all in any way. 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Sabertouch, at one time I had the ML-31.5 as my reference transport, but it was replaced by an Ensemble reference because it offered better performance in my system. However, the ML-31.5 is still a great transport and very competitive with other t... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Petland, I believe what you are concerned with, losing extension on the top and bottom, to get maybe a little more "warmth/liquidity" in the midrange, would be the end result with the Audio Note 3.1 DAC.When I auditioned an Audio Note 3.1 in my sy... 
Passive Pre - No Regrets?
Pubul57, the tube preamps were the reference Lamm, Hovland HP-100 and Audio Research's reference before the Ref 3. What you might find interesting is that I was discussing preamps with a dealer who is a tube "maven" about what would be worth audit...