
Responses from teajay

Review: Pass Labs XA-100 monoblocks Amplifier
Cwlondon, I would not necessary say that the Threshold SA-1's power my MG-20's bass panels better then a pair of Pass Labs X-600.5's would, but how much better would be the question.Most Threshold and Nelson Pass fans agree that the best sounding ... 
Review: Pass Labs XA-100 monoblocks Amplifier
Cwlondon, if you wish to go with monoblocks then you are talking about either the XA-160's or the X-600.5's if you are not going to bi-amp your maggies.In my system I am able to use XA-100's, and saved close to $5000.00, because I only use the XA ... 
Review: Pass Labs XA-100 monoblocks Amplifier
Cwlondon, I politely disagree with Guidocorona, the sweet spot in Pass Lab .5 series is the 350.5 when it comes to a performance/cost ratio. The 350.5 will easily drive a MG 1.6, 3.6, 20.1 or your older Maggies to a wonderful level of performance. 
Review: Pass Labs XA-100 monoblocks Amplifier
Islandbird, I wish I could refer you to someone I know who uses the XA-100's to drive their speaker full range, but I don't know anyone who uses them that way.My strong hunch is that if your speakers do not go below six ohms and are 90 db efficien... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
I just wanted to check-in with Branimir, hope your having a delightful summer, and see if you have listened to any new DACS or CDPS since the last time you posted. If I remember you were going on holiday, but you were going to go to some high end ... 
Valhalla spkr cable good match Pass and Legacy ?
Ozzy, based on your pervious posts and answers, I know your a intelligent audiophile and music lover. We both know when you get to a higher level of gear that personnal taste and system snergy becomes more and more important.Regardless of what oth... 
Maggie 20.1 - Bi-Amp vs. More power
Bmcleod, take a look at my posts regarding my system, which includes MG-20R's, and on the Pass Labs 350.5 and XA-100 monoblocks. I believe these posts will give some of the information you are seeking. 
A review Bound for Sound for Pass Labs fans
Guidocorona, the opinion was that if you were going to run MG-20's or 20.1's with their passive crossover and not bi-amp you would have to go up to the XA-200's. However, Peter believed that a pair of 600.5's might sound better because of the load... 
A review Bound for Sound for Pass Labs fans
Gandme and Guidocorona, when I was communicating with Peter at Pass Labs at great length regarding if the XA amps, which did replace my 350.5, could power my MG-20r's in by-amped mode, one item that was clearly covered was that the overall sonic s... 
Leviathan Signature Monoblocks -- What is the vir
Guidocorona, you of all people, do really believe that the Red Dragon amps are at the same level as the Pass Labs .5 or XA series? Based on discussing Pass Lab amps with you on past threads, I find this somewhat surprizing.Many of the ICE and othe... 
Review: Accustic Arts DAC1-MK4 DA converter
Today, was a busy and fun one in that two very knowlegdable audiophile friends, one old and one new, came over to spend time listening to music and giving their opinions regarding the sonics of my system.My old friend was very experienced with the... 
Review: Pass Labs XA-100 monoblocks Amplifier
My major audiophile friend and buddy who has great ear's, always tells the truth, and is very experienced with Pass Labs gear just spent 4 hours listening to the XA-100's in my system.He loves the 350.5 amp and thought before he sat down to listen... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Just had a new acquaintance, who happens to sell hi-end gear and is an experienced audiophile, come over to listen to my rig.His major references are Meitner and DCS. He was amazed at the sonic performance of the Accustic Arts DAC1 MK4. He found i... 
Acoustic Zen upgrade?
Sherod, my system is very different then yours, but I'm a great fan of Acoustic Zen wires and run them almost totally in my setup.I went from Satori to the Absolute wires and posted a review here on the GON with details regarding the Absolute IC's... 
Power Conditioner for your amplifier?
Louisl, Kmccarty's remarks are dead on right concerning the benefits of Running Springs power conditioners, I use the Jaco in my system, without any downside at all. I posted a review here on the GON on the the Jaco, that I believe you would find ...