
Responses from teajay

Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Playntheblues, I wish you good luck on your purchase of the Accustic Arts DAC1-MK4, however in this case "ladyluck" will not be necessary for your total enjoyment of your new piece. So far, everyone I know who has put it into their system has been... 
Nufore ref 9 se vs kharma mp150
Tda2200, I have heard many different class D amps, including the Nuforce, and believe the Kharma amps sonicly are head and shoulders above the rest of the pack. If you look at my threads I have one about the Kharma amps, it will give you more spec... 
Accustic Arts
Dev, there's no doubt that the Dac1-MK4 was a vast improvement over the MK3. When I got the MK4 I was still using a reference transport from Ensemble, that's still a great piece, however when I auditioned the AA Drive1-MK2 every thing got better(t... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Audiofeil, hi Bill, could you share your opinion on the sonic differences between the Esoteric X-1 SE/LE and the current X-01D2. I have found the X-1SE to be a very, to use the jargon of this thread, type #1 flavor. I admired many of its sonic att... 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
Tedmbrady, how's the experiementing with your different speakers/gear with the Tap been going? Are you missing in some way your Modwright tubed preamp?It would be great to hear from you regarding what your recent impressions have been regarding th... 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
Drubin, I agree the Tap is neither solid state or tubes, that's why passives are alternatives to both types regardless if their transformer or resister based.Did you ever come to any conculsions regarding the Tap in your system? It would be great ... 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
Audphile1, I know the Tap is very forgiving of impedences in single ended mode, so I would expect it not to change drasticly when used balanced.However, the best thing to do is to contact John Chapman, just talked to him day, who's a great gentlem... 
Accustic Arts
Dev, I'm quite sure you will enjoy your Accustic Arts DAC1-MK4 in the context of your reference level system. I will be very interested in your impressions of the Bent Tap compared with the other preamps that you sonicly know already. You might wa... 
Stealth Metacarbon Cables: Anyone ever hear them.
Thanks guys, this information is helpful. I have ordered a pair to audition and will report back later what happens in my system.One more question, does the Metacarbon take along time to burn-in before it shines or does this IC sound pretty good r... 
Esoteric X-03se owners - feedback please
Tboooe, if you go to my thread entitled, Reference DACS: An overall perspective, you will get alot of information on the Esoteric gear's sonic signature.Everytime I have auditioned an Esoteric piece, I have admired their details, trasparency, slam... 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
I was just wondering if Tedbrady had come any closer to has final impressions of what the Tap has to offer in the context of his system?I totally agree with Ted's last post when he stated that since the Tap was quite a change to what he's used to,... 
Best power conditioner?
There is no BEST power conditioner, however there are a few that don't limit current and let your gear perform to the best of their abilities. The one I would recommend is the Running Springs Audio Jaco line conditioner, which I decided on after t... 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
First, I would like to wish a happy B-day to Ted and congratulate him on his new Bent Tap. Then on to the serious questions on hand.1) Since you have the great luxury of having both the Tap and another excellent preamp which is a highly regarded t... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
I just got finished reading a review of the Accustic Arts CD Player1-Mk2 in the latest edition of hi>fi+ by Alan Sircom. He gave a strong thumbs up and thinks it competes with other CDP's that cost twice as much. To quote Mr. Sircom," Irrespect... 
Ayre MX-R vs Lamm M2.2 Opinions
Cvman, I auditioned the Ayre Mx-R monoblocks and found them ok, but somewhat "dry" to my ear's. If you go to past threads on this subject you will get more information and polite disagreements regarding the sonic virtues of the Ayre's.So, out of t...