
Responses from teajay

Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
Tedmbrady, I totally agree that I would rather have read a formal review by Les Turoczi then Ebran because I believe that Ebran is quite the type #2 flavor type and therefore is enamored towards tubes.I would like to share what took place this las... 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
Thanks Gmoodl, I had already read Mr Ebran's review when I came to your post this morning. I had two responses to his opinion:1) That I have tried on numerous occasions different and highly regarded tube preamps, and unlike Mr. Ebran, found them n... 
Pass Labs XA- ".5" ???
Hi guy's, I just got off the phone with Peter at Pass Labs so here's the facts regarding the new XA.5 series amps.Peter shared the following information:1) The XA.5 series amps will double down as impedance drops, unlike the present XA amps that d... 
Tube Preamps...I'm sold
Nglaxer, I agree with you regarding the Wyetech Opal preamp, it's a great piece, however it's one of the least "tube" sounding tube preamps I have ever heard. Great details, macrodynamics, and prat, but if Tboooe is looking for some tube "warmth" ... 
Does the width of the ribbon affect sound
Johnston, yes it takes about 50 to 100 hours for the new ribbon's to "burn-in" and really blossom. As far as I know Magnepan has not recently changed anything physical when it comes to their ribbon tweeters, I recently replaced my ribbons in my MG... 
Accustic Arts
Congratulations Pubul57, you already had an excellent system, now with the addition of the Accustic Arts digital front end and the Placette Active linestage to your Cat amp and Merlin speakers you now have a "butt-kicking" reference level rig that... 
Nskaye, I would recommend you take a look at my review on the Bent Tap linestage that contains many details on the sonics of the Placette Active linestage.The Placette Active linestage was my reference for over three years and replaced a ML-32 for... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Two weeks ago I had the chance to audition, in this case not a home audition but in a salon's very high end system, the Gryphon Mikado CDP.I had read a few very postive reviews on this player, even though nobody on this thread had ever mentioned t... 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
I found the following information, gained by further reading and discussions with DIYer's, very interesting regarding why the transformers in different transformer based passives offer different sonic signatures.1) "To Pot or not to Pot" that is t... 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
Dbld, I use a off brand, don't remember the manufacturer's name, that cost around $500.00 per rack that have three shelves. The frame is composed of very thick steel posts filled with sand and the shelves are medium density particle broad. Each sh... 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
Teacherman, my Tap's transformers are wound with copper wire, not silver. When I was discussing this topic with John Chapman, because I was curious regarding the copper vs. silver sonic differences regardless of the price difference, he had experi... 
Stealth Varidig Sextet Break In Period?
Krell man, I found the Sextet to sound quite good from the beginning and that it totally blossomed around 30 to 50 hours of playing time. It's the best digital cable I have ever heard, I wrote a review here on the Gon, and will be interested what ... 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
Just got through with experimenting/auditioning with four different types of isolation devices to see if the Bent Tap's sonics could be improved on when compared to its stock feet.The four types of isolation devices were:1) Sorbothane 2) ceramic 3... 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
Drubin, if somehow what I wrote implied that I liked one of the linestages more then the Tap, but just could not be without remote or that price factors ultimately lead to my decision to purchase it, then I did not communicate clearly my intent.I ... 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
During the time I was going through the auditioning of the Bent Tap linestage in my system, I also had the pleasure of listening to two other very highly regarded preamps in my system. One was tubed and the other solid state.I personally do not li...