
Responses from teajay

Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Exlibris, sorry to disagree with you on this one, however I have found no correlation between non-upsampling DACS vs upsampling DACS regarding a more " believable soundstage". Now, all the non-upsampling DACS I have auditioned were tube based, and... 
Quick take on the MBL 6010D Reference Preamp
Hic, I know the AR Ref 3 has got great reviews and I have heard it, it's quite good, however I really believe it is not as good as the MBL Preamp in such specific's as dynamics, bass, clarity, and believe it or not what I call a "musicality/organi... 
Pass Labs 350.5 or 600.5 owners--breakin time.....
Talon4, I have had the 350.5 and now run my system with XA-100's, both took about 200 to 250 hours to reach burn-in, after that there is a slow process of change towards their final performance signature. I would love to hear your final opinion re... 
Dodson 218 or Weiss Medea DAC for my Esoteric X-01
Matrx, take a look at my thread entitled, Reference DACS: An overall perspective, it contains information on both the Weiss Medea and the Dodson DACS you are interested in. 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Gliderguider, I greatly appreciate your remarks regarding the subjective aspect regarding how/why an individual responses to the sonics of a specific piece of gear or the overall perspective of a total system.I, too, have had the experience of lis... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Gliderguider, with all do respect, I disagree that the Audio Note DAC," has gotten short shrift" on this thread. I auditioned this level Audio Note DAC over two year ago, as I reported, and found it to have a great midrange but lacked extension on... 
Anyone own a Running Springs Audio power cond.
Theo, you might want to take a look at a review I posted here on the GON that concerned the Running Spring's Jaco. I had tried at least three other companies gear and found the Jaco to be superlative, with no downside at all.The guys who own and r... 
What is the best redbook CD player for 6K to 8K?
Redwoodgarden, I would suggest you put on your audition list the Accustic Arts CDP MKII, its a great sounding piece and is in your price range. Another player which is outstanding is the Ensemble CDP which retails for $9000.00,but either demos or ... 
Last night at Chapman Audio Systems
Mjfvashon, would you please share what was the upstream gear used during your audition of these speakers and the type of music played. Thanks. 
Did you listen Pass Aleph J or Pass XA30 or 60 ?
Elduende14, I can't comment on the Aleph J because I never have heard it, but do run a pair of XA-100's in my system. They are my new reference and offer great beauty sonicly in my system. For exact details concerning their sonic signature, take a... 
Review: Accustic Arts DAC1-MK4 DA converter
Hassel, no I'm not a dealer/distributor for Accustic Arts, just a lucky audiophile who got to audition one of the few MK4's in the US.I believe the US importer/distributor for Accustic Arts, Artistic Audio, will be showing the MK4 at the Stereophi... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Guidocorona, you mean to tell me that you would let your wife get in the way of a new amp! BLASPHEMY OF THE HIGHEST ORDER! I hope you know I'm just teasing, believe me, I can relate to the WAF, that many audiophiles have to deal with one way or an... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Guidocorona, your quite right about there being much information on this thread regarding both the Accustic Arts and Wiess Media, mainly provided by Branimir who has compared both in his system.I'm waiting to see what Branimir's opinion will be co... 
Recommendation for interconnect and speaker cables
Shimdog, I would recommend that you add to your audition list Acoustic Zen's Matrix reference II and Satori speaker wire, both can be gotten at great prices used, and would sound great in your system. 
Chord DAC64 still up to date?
Hassel, I have not heard your DAC64 in years, however my memory of it would indicate that you would be very impressed with the sonics of the newer digital gear.If you take a look at my thread entitled, Reference DACS: An overall perspective, you w...