
Responses from teajay

Passive Pre - No Regrets?
Pubul57, I have in my system the Placette dual active line stage that replaced a Mark Levinson reference 32, that cost $10000.00 more then the Placette! However, it's performance was head and shoulders better then the ML-32.The Placette was among ... 
Audio Aero Prestige vs. Esoteric X-01 Limited
Saxguy71, if you go to my thread entitled, Reference DACS: An overall perspective the following will make perfact sense to you.The Audio Aero Prestige is a very type 2 flavor and the Esoteric is a very type 1 flavor. Both very good but not only di... 
My system is bright? I need help. thanks
Scientist73, I would recommend you not only try the wonderful Acoustic Zen Silver reference II, but you might also audition the Acoustic Zen Matrix reference II which offers a "warmer" sonic signature then the all silver cable.Said with respect, I... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Branimir, as always good to hear from you and thanks for sharing your more recent ranking of digital front ends. I will take it as a compliment that you ranked the Accustic Art combo number four, considering that it costs almost $15000.00 less the... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Exlibris, I give you much credit for your tenacity regarding home auditions of different gear in order to get the overall sonic signature and synergy you want in your system.I also believe this ongoing thread regarding reference DACS proves the fo... 
Passive Pre - No Regrets?
Pubul57, I went from a Mark Levinson reference 32 preamp to the Placette dual active line stage because it offered a much higher level of sonic performance. A good friend and fellow audiophile loved the Placette active, but it was not in his budge... 
Reference Transports: An overall perspective
Pardales, I think you might be surprized how much of a sonic improvement you would hear with a reference level transport compared with a hard-drive.I'm no engineer so I don't know why a reference transport would perform better then a hard-drive or... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Exlibris, now that I have had the Accustic Arts Drive 1-MK2 in my system for over a week, I would highy recommend you set up an audition to try with your new reference DAC. I believe the AA transport is on a much higher level of performance compar... 
Review: Accustic Arts Drive 1-MK2 Transport
Branimir, it's truly a pleasure to hear from you again. I know that you shared you were going on vacation some time this summer, but you then you kinda "dropped out of sight". You mean there might be other things more important then listening to h... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Just wanted to share that a good audiophile friend came over to hear the combination of the Accustic Arts Drive 1-MK2 and Accustic Arts DAC 1-MK4, since he had not heard my system since I replaced my Ensemble transport.His reference is the Meitner... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
I have just submitted my review of the the new Accustic Arts Drive 1-MK2 here on the GON. It was hard for me at first to believe how it out performed my Ensemble transport with the Accustic Arts DAC 1-MK4 in my system. So, to say the least, its a ... 
Best CD between EMM Labs & DCS
Davidri, look at my thread entitled, Reference DACS: An overall perspective, it contains a ton of information that you are seeking. 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Exlibris, you have made some major changes in your system in a relatively short period of time! It seems that you are extremely pleased with how your total system sounds to you. Well, congratulations, your thoughtful effort and time put in has got... 
Review: Pass Labs XA-100 monoblocks Amplifier
I just got through reading the only professional review that I know of regarding the XA-100's, from the French journal, Haute Fidelite, written by Mr. Laurent Thorin.Mr. Thorin, stated the following," Low end incredulous energy and precise... Mids... 
Review: Pass Labs XA-100 monoblocks Amplifier
Cwlondon, I don't know if their is the "BEST WAY" to fill your room with monoblocks to power your system, but if we are talking about the greatest performance for the buck, I would recommend the following.1) A pair of XA-100's on top with a pair o...