
Responses from teajay

New Accustic Arts V3 Tube Dac anyone heard?
Dev, I'll be getting one to demo next week and will share my impressions in the near future. 
Can two different passive preamp sound the same?
Higoh2006, go to my review of the Bent Audio Tap linestage and it will provide many of the details/information that you are seeking. 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
Clio09, your quite right my description does not make sense, so here's the clarification.The tap offered much more air around individual players and each player sounded more three dimensional then what the Joule 150MK11 offered in its soundstage.H... 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
Audphile1, the tube linestage was the Joule Electra 150 MK11. So far I have done home auditions with Audio Research(not the Ref3, but the model before), Hovland, Shindo Labs, Wytech, and Lamm, and still like the Tap better in my system. 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
This weekend I tried another audition of a very highly regarded tube linestage, retails for $6500.00, to compare to the Bent Audio Tap. Everyone always talks about the "magic" of great tube linestages regarding harmonics, image density, and that "... 
Review: Pass Labs X250.5 Amplifier
Guidocorona, I again talked to Kent last week regarding if their is sonic difference between the XA and XA.5 series if you do not need to double down into lower impedances, his answer was you cannot tell the difference if you do not need the extra... 
Review: Pass Labs X250.5 Amplifier
Zear, excellent review, Mr. Pass really hit a sonic "homerun" with both the X.5 and XA series amps. I felt the same way about the 350.5 when it was my reference until I moved on to the XA-100's that even give a little more magic if you don't need ... 
HT Magic Ref Woofer or Acoustic Zen Absolute
Proflex, the most help I can offer is that I use AZ Absolute in my system to bi-amp a pair of MG-20's. The Absolute offers great details, a wide and layered soundstage, air between individual players, yet is never "etched" or "hifish", just very m... 
What do you think about Edge amps ?
John, I had a NL-10 and loved how it performed in my system. It was finally replaced with Pass Labs XA-100's. I found no difficulties at all matching with different linestages. The 1.1 sigs are great amps and would be a great addition to any system. 
Dali MegaLine overviews from owners ?
Terry, give Albert Porter a buzz, he's the resident GON expert on the Megaliners and how to make sure you maximize their potential with modifications to their crossovers. 
Review: Boston Audio Design Disk Stabilizer Tweak
Well, I figured out what hole you crawled out of Jonathan, you obviously don't like people who don't like the Shindo Labs line that you are an importer for. You sent me a E-mail that I did not post here on the GON, that was full of false statement... 
Review: Boston Audio Design Disk Stabilizer Tweak
Vinyljh, thanks for your kind words towards me and my review. I'm sure you would be willing to elaborate why I'm so "pathetic" or would you rather just make a personnal remark and then just disappear back down the hole you came out of? 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
Just wanted to share that on this last Sunday afternoon my girlfriend, she's a musician with great ears, and I did an audition comparing the Tap to a very highly regarded SS preamp that retails for $6000.00.I have tried before on other occasions t... 
Review: Ayre Acoustics MX-R Amplifier
Curriemt11, a wonderful review, extremely well written and informative, however I had a different sonic experience with the MX-R's driving MG-20's.I found them quite good in alot of the areas that you mention, but compared with my Pass Labs XA-100... 
Emm Lab CDSA-Se vs Resolution Opus 21.
Tabl10s, I would never discount someones personal opinion, however the Opus 21 is not in the same "sonic ball game" as the Emm Lab piece.Take a look at my thread entitled, Reference Dacs: An overall perspective for lots of information on the sonic...