
Responses from teajay

Running springs duke vs ?
Digsmithd, in my system the Running Springs Jaco was sonicly superior to both the Hydra and Richard Gray units, with no sonic downside at all. If you want more details take a look at my review here on the GON on the Jaco power conditioner. 
Accustic Arts
Hotbird, thanks for the heads up on the Boston Audio CD stabilzer. In my past experience, other CD tweeks, such as the De Mat from Holland, always took away something like microdynamics, slam, etc., even if they "smoothed" over the sound or made t... 
Accustic Arts
Hassel, I have compared the Accustic Arts Combo to Esoteric pieces and find the AA to be much more musical then the Esoteric gear. Take a look at my thread, Reference DACS: An overall perspective, for alot of details regarding the sonic difference... 
Review: Stealth Cables Metacarbon Interconnect
I now have an Indra followed by all Metacarbon in my system. The improvement in my system is quite delightful and still had to explain. These cables do improve on all the specific sonic traits, microdetails, space/air in the soundstage, extension ... 
Magnepan new 20.1R and older 20R, sonic?
Terryakhan, I have in my system MG-20's and very seriously listened to MG-20.1's and found the difference between the two speakers to be very slight in all sonic areas. The only difference I could discern, maybe, was that 20.1's would play somewha... 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
Denjo, in my system I only have a FM tuner and my digital front end as sources into the Tap. I would say that 99% of the time the volume setting on the Tap is between 25 to 29 to get my total system to "snap" into total focus and present the best ... 
Any problem with a long power cord?
Nrchy, I have in my system two power cords over ten feet long and found no defference in their sonic performance. Besides the cost factor, it was still less expensive then new racks or IC's, I found no degrading of the cords performance in any are... 
TVC + Altmann amp?
Rockettiii, take a look at my review on the Bent Tap here on the GON for details regarding its' performance. Also, are you aware that for at least right now John Chapman is not building the Tap because of the stupid choice of S&B who used to p... 
Optical or coaxial - which one better for digital
Tbooe, I never had a good experience with optical cables in my system, so I gave up on them along time ago. I would really recommend that you audition the Stealth Sextet, also read my review here on the GON, it's the best I have ever heard and I a... 
Cardas Vs. Acoustic Zen
Mamhoon, I would not say that the Acoustic Zen speaker wire lacks warmth, it does not, it just offers what your calling warmth(liquidity/musicality) with much better details,macrodynamics, and extension then the Cardas GR.In my system I use Absolu... 
Accustic Arts
Dev, I saw that you have your Accustic Arts Drive1-MK2 on sell here on the GON. Does that mean you got your Oracle 2000 transport already and thought it out performed the Accustic Arts Drive? Please share what has taken place if that is the case, ... 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
I would like to address a couple of different items with this post.1) In a past conversion with John Chapman, he shared that S&B was very annoyed that he would not jackup the price of the TAP for the North American market, so they could ask fo... 
Accustic Arts
Just wanted to share that I had the pleasure of having in my home two new audiophile friends to listen to my system last week.The relevancy for this thread regarding their visit is that one of these gentleman mainly came over to hear the Accustic ... 
pass x250 vs 250.5
The answer that Tpk123 gave you is spot on the truth. The X-.5 series was a great/dramatic improvement over the first generation X series. In this case the price difference is well worth it. 
Passive Pre Recommendations
Gbslps, take a look at my recent review here on the GON on the Bent Tap passive, which includes a comparison with the other very highly regarded passive the Placette, for alot of information you might find very helpful.