

Responses from tboooe

I own about 5k cds and by far, I listen to my Eva Cassidy collection the most frequently. I find not only her voice but also her songs to be very entertaining and enjoyable. My favorite Eva cd is probably Imagine followed closely by American Tune.... 
Sonos DAC
you should really listen for yourself to see if you can tell the difference between FLAC, apple lossless, mp3, ogg, etc. Personally, I noticed a slight difference between mp3 and FLAC which manifested itself in a lack of soundstage and a loss of m... 
Upgraded Sonos ZP-80 Power Cord
Thanks guys! I am planning on upgrading my ZP-80 soon as well. I will try the PS Audio power cord first the move on the Cullen mod. 
Upgraded Sonos ZP-80 Power Cord
jseminetta, great news! I would be curious to hear your thoughts after the cord breaks in (you to Shazam!, that was a great show by the way!) 
They lost my amp
I had a bizarre experience with UPS. I purchased a preamp last December. According to the tracking info, my preamp was still at the UPS facility of origin. There it stayed for 5 days. I kept checking the tracking info and even called a few times a... 
Upgraded Sonos ZP-80 Power Cord
Its the PS Audio Power Punch.http://www.psaudio.com/products/xstream_power_punch_overview.asp 
Upgraded Sonos ZP-80 Power Cord
The only available aftermarket pc that has the right connector is from PS Audio. I am thinking of getting one myself.Can you please tell me more about the Cullen mod? 
mbl 1521a and 5011 how good are they
I have the 5011 preamp. Prior to that I had the Classe CP-700 and ARC Ref 3. To my ears, the 5011 sounded more natural and musical. It does an incredible job of separation and individualizing each instrument. I really enjoy this preamp and have no... 
Anyone else miss audiophile nervosa?
jeff_jones: I can totally relate to what you are feeling. My system has been stable for almost a year now (accept for cables). This is the longest I have gone without changing anything. I didn't realize it but I actually stopped listening to my sy... 
Power Cable suggestions for Pass Labs X250.5
I used to own the XA160 and spent a lot of time talking to Pass Labs directly about this and they do not believe that an aftermarket pc improves the sound with their amps. I tried a few cords on my amps and did not hear any differences. This of co... 
Usher CP-63XX owners, have you added Lead Shot?
Is lead shot dangerous if they are not ingested? Does lead shot give off fumes? I do have small children so this is pretty important to know. 
esoteric p/1d/1gorb or dcs scarletti or top emm???
Pretty tough to say because like everything in our whacky hobby the choice of cdp is completely subjective. I personally own the P3D5 combo and love it. If you want detail, dynamics, transparency, and exceptional build quality the Esoteric should ... 
Pick a preamp for my system: Ayre or MBL
Personally I would go with the MBL5011. The Ayre is very good in terms of transparency but I thought the MBL had better overall presentation and realism. 
Mbl Magic?
I only own and MBL 5011 preamp but I am very happy with what I am hearing. I am not sure what mbl is doing is but the sound of the 5011 is simply so engaging and musical. I have absolutely no complaints. 
Monitors + sub or Floor standers?
Thanks guys. I am definitely leaning towards the monitors + sub. Linkster and Lapierre bring up interesting points about dispersion and imaging. I am going to have to research speakers that have these characteristics. Tgrisham and bob_reynolds, I ...