

Responses from tboooe

People buying Transports again?
This is a very timely topic for me as a I recently purchased a single box cdp and dac (Luxman D-06). I mainly stream music through my Sonos system. I find the convenience unbeatable, though the sound quality is questionable which I intend to corre... 
Marantz PM-15S2b first thoughts
Congrats! I always enjoy reading your conmments. The sheer joy you express is enthralling! Thats what this hobby is all about right? Enjoy! 
Speaker cables: $3000 or $380. What do you get??
My attitude, is that there is definitely a law of rapidly diminishing returns. Whether a $3K cable is worth it over a $380 cable is entirely up to you, your system, your room, your sense of value. Do I think there is a difference? I consider mysel... 
Luxman DA-06 Dac...anyone?
Looks like pricing in the Us is going to $6K! Yikes. However, it is being sold in Japan for around $3500. I found some listings on ebay but these are standard 100V Japanese power so a step down transformer would be needed. Not sure this DAC is wor... 
Whats your current Reference CD at the moment?
Eva Cassidy - American Tune 
B&W 803D and Parasound
What exactly did you do with the room treatments? I am very curious. 
Music Server now bane of my existence
06-10-13: Jult52You mean they will stay intact forever if you systematically back them up and store the files and hope no freakish glitch affects groups of files or a whole hard drive... Sorry, but this is the sort of overpromising that computer a... 
Childproofing Speakers
What about using one of those modular play pens/cages? I created a circular pen around my speakers when my daughters were younger. 
Is Cary Audio still selling CD Players?
That would be a shame if they stopped, though I wouldnt blame them. I owned the 303 and 306 and have always liked the way they sounded. 
MerrillAudio Veritas Reviewed at Dagogo
06-03-13: StrateahedC'mon folks ... lighten up+1000...my attitude about forum posts...if you dont like it, its easier to just not comment and move on. The information may be useful to others.Edit: lol..I guess I should take my own advice! lol 
Better sound
06-03-13: Rodman99999As much as I like Auralex products; anything you place under your main/full range speaker, that allows the cabinet to move, will blur imaging and smear transient detail. I am definitely no expert in this area so find this stat... 
Franco Serblin R.I.P. What happens to Ktema?
Harris4crna, just wondering if you had the chance to listen to the Accordos? I was interested in upgrading from my Auditors to either the Sonus Faber Olympica I's or Guarneri Evolution. I am a bit hesitant because it seems lately SF is moving away... 
Franco Serblin Accordo - anyone hear it?
Thank you Doug99! 
Marantz SA-15S2b, thoughts & opinions
Nonoise, congrats! It's the best when you finally a component that just sounds right to your ears. It really is such a high. Enjoy your new rig and I look forward to hearing more of your thoughts when you get the integrated. 
Fuses that matter.
Oh, found out the Accustic Arts Power 1 mkii integrated I just bought does have a replaceable fuse. Sweet. I will be picking up the Hif-Tuning Supreme and SR Quantum fuses to compare. I will report back in a few weeks.