

Responses from tboooe

Fuses that matter.
I'm a little late to the party but my experiences with HiFi tuning fuses in my previous gear (MBL preamp) yielded a noticeable improvement in clarity. I am very bummed out that my non of my current gear has any external fuses I can change. 
Esoteric K-03 or K-01
I need to audition the Marantz again. My previous experience, albeit brief gave me the impression that the Marantz was a bit too "thick" for my tastes. This could have been because of the associated electronics and speakers. Having owned the X-03,... 
Why does most new music suck?
I think a lot of music today sucks... over produced, cookie cutter noise meant to be quickly digested and forgotten about just as quickly. That being said, I also think because of the internet, youtube, facebook, bandcamp, etc there are much more ... 
Accessing music files
There are many ways to do this but for me Sonos is the best for multiple room wireless distribution of music. I've been using Sonos since the company started. The interface can be your laptop, phone, ipad, etc. 
Dynaudio, Harbeth, Penaudio or Sonus Faber
I have only heard the Harbeths and Auditors (I own the original non M version). Harbeths do sound very good, warm and inviting. If you are just lounging around enjoying a cup of coffee the Harbeths will produce great music. At the end of the day, ... 
Album which you have listened to most?
Eva Cassidy "American Tune" without a doubt. 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Ok, I will bite and audition some through the cable company. I will come back with my layman's impressions. 
Distance makes the heart grow fonder.
05-22-13: Martinmobile One of the other things that helps with being overly critical or analytical with my system is booze! Have a few glasses of wine or a nice nip or two of scotch.ahhh...boooze the great equalizer. I use this same strategy with ... 
Chord QuteHD DAC Review
Hi guys. Thinking of getting this DAC. Can you please be more specific about what power supply you are using with this from MCRU? I assume MCRU is Mains Cables R Us in UK? 
Distance makes the heart grow fonder.
100% agreed! In my case, I took 5 years off and just recently put together a much simpler (and less expensive) system. To me it just sounds great. Another thing I do to remind myself how good my system sounds is to listen to my "background" music ... 
Accuphase or Esoteric?
Steve, emailed you. 
Accuphase or Esoteric?
I've had the X-03 and P-03 and never had issues with noise. I would also not characterize the Esoteric sound as analytical at all. Clear, clean, with just a hint of warmth. BTW, Skreich I sent you a direct message. Not sure if you got. 
Squeezebox dropouts - another question
The other option is use powerline networking. That should give you higher bandwidth and a more reliable wired connection. I used it for a while to stream 1080p movies until I got my wireless N router and HTPC. Be careful though, there is a lot of ... 
Music Server
I have been using Sonos as my whole house wireless audio solution for almost 10 years! All my music (35K songs) are on a RAID 5 NAS. I highly suggest going this route if you want music in more than one room. 
Squeezebox dropouts - another question
Questions for you...is your new wireless router N? What wireless type is the Squeezebox? If its not N I dont know if it has the speed to stream high res. Also, since your router is dual band I would put all my household items on one band and the S...