

Responses from tboooe

Can pass labs ax160 macth b&w 802d ?
I used to own the 802d and the XA160. I dont disagree with teajay's assessment of the XA's power limitations and sound. I personally think you want to look into amps that are more dynamic and transparent. To me the 802d has a great midrange but it... 
Best Sonos ZP-80 Mod?
Based on this thread, I am going to give the Cullen mod a try. Unlike others, I am not trying to replace my cdp (Esoteric P3 D5 combo), though I do want my digital music to sound as good as reasonably possible. For me, my Esoteric serves as my pri... 
What would you upgrade next ??
I would look at improvements in the following order:1. Room treatments2. A new source. Based on what you mentioned you are looking for, I would seriously look at Esoteric cd players.3. Power source and power cords. 
Best female vocals on CD
I am now a big fan of Rosie Thomas. Another one of my favorites is HEM. Check them out. 
Ripping CD Question
I think the problem is that the cd is protected. I had this same issue with several cds. EAC would rip it without any problem but when I listened to the cd I heard a lot of skips like you. I am not sure if there is a way around this. My protected ... 
Review: Usher BE-10 Speaker
mrjstark, now I really want to try and modify my BE-10, though I must admit serus' post has me concerned. That thing I want to do is damage my speakers. I sure wish someone local (Socal) would offer this mod and just do it for me! :) 
Best Sonos ZP-80 Mod?
Thank you Janikian!All: I too purchased my Sonos purely because of its convenience. I have zone players in every bedroom (4), the family room, the backyard, the balcony, and my listening room. For every room other than my listening room I agree wi... 
Best Sonos ZP-80 Mod?
janikan, does the Cullen mod still allow the ZP to update its software? Hopefully, the ZP will behave just like standard in terms of its sw upgradability. 
Best Sonos ZP-80 Mod?
Mrjstark, do you actually have the Cullen mod? If so, can you please elaborate? BTW, do any of these mods affect the Sonos' sw upgradability? Sonos typically comes out with a sw release once a quarter. 
Review: Usher BE-10 Speaker
Serus, I have toyed with the idea of improving the crossover and internal wiring though your description of what it will take has me a little worried. I am just a lazy audiophile and would love to just pay someone to do this for me. Do you have pi... 
Best Sonos ZP-80 Mod?
I am very interested as well. I spent some time looking at the Cullen Circuits upgrade and it seems pretty solid though I wish it included a mod to the power supply as well. Cedar, I wonder if the power supply from Mr. Chow can be used in conjunct... 
Best Sonos ZP-80 Mod?
I am very interested as well. I spent some time looking at the Cullen Circuits upgrade and it seems pretty solid though I wish it included a mod to the power supply as well. Cedar, I wonder if the power supply from Mr. Chow can be used in conjunct... 
Best female vocals on CD
WOW! Maria Taylor is awesome! Thank you dennis the menace! 
Wasting money using Esoteric DV50s as Transport?
my personal opinion is that the transport is critical to retrieving all the available data on a cd. So in this sense I dont think getting a top rated transport is a waste of money. Esoteric makes some of the best transport today. 
Esoteric SA-60 or Arcam 139 for 2CH Hi Rez Audio o
Hughie, I have not heard the ARCAM but I do own the Esoteric P3D5 combo. By far, the Esoteric to me is the most detailed and dynamic cdp I have ever owned. I am constantly amazed at the level of low level detail and nuance the Esoteric is able to ...